Mis Libros del Momento (Enero)

Han sido semanas difíciles en Puerto Rico y aunque mi preocupación o miedo no se compara con lo que han estado sintiendo las personas del área sur y suroeste de la isla, yo me he refugiado en mis libros y en la lectura para mantenerme ocupada y distraída.

Quiero compartir con ustedes y recomendarle los libros que actualmente estoy leyendo, porque me gustan todos.

The Christmas Sisters por Sarah Morgan (Kindle)

Este es mi libro de diciembre… y pues… de enero también. Es una buena historia y cuando me siento a leer me cautiva. Trata de la historia de 3 hermanas y su mamá, quienes tienen estilos de vida y prioridades diferentes y todo el drama que estas viven a la expectativa de compartir todas juntas durante la época de navidad. No me gustan los spoilers así que si quieres leer más sobre que trata te dejo el link de Amazon aquí.

War Storm por Victoria Aveyard (Audible)

Este libro es parte de la serie Red Queen y trata sobre la historia de Mer, en una sociedad dividida por clases sociales determinadas por el tipo de sangre (roja o plata), en donde las personas con sangre plata tienen poderes especiales los cuales ellos consideran que los coloca por encima de las otras personas. Pero Mer, de sangre roja, tiene algo que la hace especial, además de ser una “amenaza” para los sangre plateada. Tiene de todo un poco, amor, acción y drama. Este libro hace que me emocione por tener que guiar, para poder escucharlo. Sé que no le hago justicia al describirlo, por eso te dejo el link de Amazon aquí.

Amiga, Lávate esa Cara por Rachel Hollis (Físico)

Mis amigas, apoyándome sin saberlo en mi meta de leer más me regalaron libros esta navidad, y este fue uno de ellos. Y además es el libro del mes en nuestro “bookclub” y ¡me encanta! Al leer este libro parece que estás teniendo una conversación con Rachel y tiene tantos consejos y cosas para analizar y aplicar a tu vida que te hace prestarle atención. Este es 100% recomendado, te dejo el link de Amazon aquí.

Happiness and How It Happens: Finding Contenment Through Mindfulness por The Happy Buddha (Suryacitta Malcolm Smith) (Físico)

Este librito es mi compañero en la hora de almuerzo. No es secreto que me encanta el tema de Mindfulness, y este libro me gusta porque me pone a pensar y evaluar mi vida, las cosas que hago y como soy con mis pensamientos, además de que da muy buenas ideas y técnicas para meditar y practicar Mindfulness. Es fácil de leer, así que si te interesa te dejo el link aquí.

El Libro de Mormón (Físico)

Soy miembro de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días (puedes encontrar más información aquí), y junto con la Biblia tenemos El Libro de Mormón como parte de nuestras escrituras. Mi Esposito y yo comenzamos a leerlo a finales de julio, con el objetivo de terminarlo antes de que acabara el año y no sucedió… pero eso quedó en el año viejo, ahora estamos siendo más consistentes y la meta es terminarlo para el mes de abril, leyendo un capítulo por día. Además este año en la escuela dominical, a nivel mundial, se está estudiando el Libro de Mormón y para estar a la par con la clase lo estamos leyendo dos veces. Es sorprendente las cosas nuevas que se descubren y aprenden al leerlo de nuevo varios meses después.

Como ven, tengo muchas formas de “leer” ya sea físico, electrónico (Kindle) o audio (Audible), para mí lo importante es consumir información que aporte algo a mi vida, que me relaje y que me entretenga, depende del mood.

Me encantaría saber que están leyendo actualmente y que libros han leído que les han encantado. Estoy trabajando en mi book wishlist para estos meses y quiero saber sus recomendaciones.

Never stop dreaming,

Mis Metas para el 2020

¡Feliz año nuevo 2020! Primer lunes del año y aquí estoy, bien motivada y feliz de estar de regreso en Dreaming Life in Pink.

Les cuento que el 2019 para mí fue un año bien transformador. Pude aprender más de mi, mis prioridades e intenciones, y es por eso que este año vengo aún más decidida a realizar cambios, aprender y seguir creciendo.

Como saben, yo soy amante de las metas y no sé de alguien que nunca haya realizado metas al comenzar un nuevo año. Asi que les quiero compartir mis metas, por eso de tenerlos a ustedes como un “accountability partner”.

1. Leer 12 libros

No quiero que me pregunten cuantos libros leí el año pasado, pero si quiero que me pregunten cuantos libros terminé… ¿Quieren saber? Pues la respuesta es 0, cero, absolutamente ninguno. Y eso no puede volver a ocurrir. Yo amo leer, así que en el 2020 será una de mis prioridades.

2. Caminar (ejercitarme) regularmente y caminar un 5k

Esta meta viene por varias razones. Primero, este año nuestras vacaciones (de nuevo), serán en los parques en Orlando, aunque esta vez además de los parques de Universal, vamos también para Disney, y yo quiero estar en buena condición física para todas las caminatas que me esperan. Segundo, amo ganar medallas. Hacen unos años atrás una de mis mejores amigas, mi mamá y yo estabamos “juquias” haciendo carreras donde nos ganaramos medallas, y yo quiero volver a eso, quiero aumentar mi mini colección.

3. Quiero tomar el examen de reválida de Psicología (o al menos solicitarlo)

Al igual que leer, he estado bien vaga con estudiar, pero esta meta no la puedo seguir alargando. Y digo al menos solicitarla, para no ponerme tanta presion… poco a poco… ustedes me entienden, ¿verdad?

4. Publicar en el Blog mensualmente

Y digo publicar, no escribir, porque no saben cuantas notas tengo en mi celular con publicaciones que escribí el año pasado pero nunca publiqué. Al igual que con lo de estudiar, la meta es “pequeña”, una vez al mes (aunque espero que sean más), para no presionarme mucho y que no deje de ser divertido.

Ahi están, mis 4 metas para el año. No quise ponerme muchas, porque ahí es que se puede poner complicado el poder cumplir con ellas. Ahora me gustaría que ustedes compartan sus metas para el año conmigo. Quiero que nos apoyemos y mantengamos motivados. Que este 2020 sea mejor de lo que podamos imaginar.

Los dejo con esta frase: “Cuando realmente quieres algo, encontrarás una manera. Cuando no quieres algo en verdad, encontrarás una excusa.” – Rachel Hollis, Amiga, Lávate esa Cara

Never stop dreaming,

Words From My Journal (1/29/19)

Words From My Journal (1/29/19)

“I am a little bit sad because I haven’t been able to write on the blog, but on the other hand I have been using my time during the weekdays to study, and on the weekends, the time I have, when I don’t have other commitments or things to do at the house I have chosen to relax. I will like to write weekly as I had proposed to myself at the beginning of the year, but until I take my exam at the end of March, it will not be something I will force myself to do, not know or ever , I will not feel bad for not writing or posting.

Blogging is still something I love doing, I enjoy it and I want to keep doing it. But sadly, is something that takes a lot of my time and right now I have other priorities.

My goal right know is to focus on my priorities, make time for personal and spiritual development, to read and meditate, enjoying every moment, give myself love, which is why I have decided to not pressure or judge myself and do things that feel good.”

I decided to share this that I wrote on my journal during my morning routine so that you know that I am still here, and haven’t forgotten this space. I will still be blogging every time I get a chance, so be sure to follow me on social media (Instagram and Facebook) to always be the first to know when there is a new post.

Before you go, let me know in the comments what will you like to read on Dreaming Life in Pink in the future.

Never stop dreaming,

2018’s 12 Days of Red Lipstick (The Recap)

2018’s 12 Days of Red Lipstick (The Recap)

I was in debt, I know… but since for me, it doesn’t have to be the holiday season to be able to wear red lipsticks, I still wanted to share this post with you.

During the first 12 days of December I did the 12 Days of Red Lipstick Challenge on my social media (Instagram and Facebook). I had a great time wearing different types of formulas and shades, it’s no secret that I love red lips. In this post I want to share with you my thoughts on each lipsticks and which ones were my favorites.

Day 1
Super Stay Matte Ink Lipstick in Pioneer 20
This one is THE BEST matte red lipstick ever! It’s long wearing and feels great on the lips. Maybelline did a great job on the formula. If you could only buy one red lipstick and you like mattes, this is the one.

Day 2
Too Faced Melted Matte in Lady Balls
I love how this one looks, it looks velvety and smooth. It’s not long wearing, but it looks so pretty that I don’t mind.

Day 3
NYX Cosmetics Matte Lipstick in Perfect Red MLS10
This one doesn’t look very matte, but it’s really creamy. If you are looking for one that is easy to apply, easy to take off and feels creamy and nice on the lips try this one.

Day 4
Sephora #lipstories in A Little Magic 22
Like the last one, this one is more creamy than matte, but the color pay off is really good. Plus, the packaging it’s so cute!

Day 5
Revlon Ultra HD Matte Lip Color in 625 HD Love
Another matte that it’s not so matte. What I enjoyed about this one was the applicator, it’s easy to use and to work on you lip shape.

Day 6
NYX Cosmetics Epic Ink Lip Dye in Poised EILD01
I have to stay that the results of this one was not what I was expecting. I didn’t love the color pay off, it stay in you lips (with the word ink in it I thought it will be long lasting, but it definitely wasn’t the case), and the worst part it has a weird taste. This one I didn’t really enjoy

Day 7
Milani Cosmetics 67 Matte Confident
Not matte, but creamy and excellent color pay off. I loved this darker shade of red, and the formula sits really nice on the lips.

Day 8
Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Heartbreaker
Real matte and smooth, with a nice applicator. Nice color pay off, but it’s not long wearing.

Day 9
Mac Cosmetics Lipstick in Ruby Woo
A classic. This one looks matre, but it’s creamy. It doesn’t last, it comes off little by little when you drink or eat, but t feels good in the lips.

Day 10
Wet and Wild Megalast Liquid Catsuit in Missy and Fierce 930B
True matte, great color payoff. It’s a liquid that dries to matte, but it doesn’t feel dry on the lips. This one has a very descent staying power, and that is always good.

Day 11
NYX Cosmetics Slip Tease Lip Lacquer in Dexter STLL03
No the formula I am into right now, to glossy for my taste, but the color pay off, being a gloss, is really good. If you are into glossy and shiny lips, this one is must for you!

Day 12
Sephora Collection Cream Lip Stain Liquid Lipstick in 96 Red Velvet
I love the dark red and the matte look of this lipstick. This formula has a good staying power and it feels really nice on the lips.

What I can’t take from this is that every company wants to make matte lipsticks, but apparently not everyone follows the same definition. I don’t mind creamy, like satin textures, but for me those are not matte. I enjoyed doing this little challenge and exploring the different brands and formulas, and I hope it will help you with your lipsticks decisions in the future.

Of the 12 red lipsticks I wore, which one is your favorite? Do you have a favorite I didn’t try out? Let me know in the comments.

Never stop dreaming,

New Year, New Dreams.

New Year, New Dreams.

It’s the first Monday of 2019 and I wanted to come here to wish everyone a very Happy New Year, one that is filled with love, lots of learning, fun adventures and one where you work to make your dreams come true. I have decided to go back to when I started the blog and post on Mondays, to start the week checking off my weekly goals, and here I am for the first one of 2019.

So, talking about goals, I want to share with you my goals for the new year. I don’t want to call them new years resolutions, because I feel that the frase has a negative vibe to it, more often that not, we set pretty high resolutions on new years that we don’t accomplish. My action plan this year is to work on simple things that I know will bring big results in my life.

First of all, my theme for this year is Personal Development, and I planned my goals around that. My mantra is “I can accomplish everything I want”. “I want” being the most important part on that frase. I want to focus on things that bring me purpose and joy, which means I don’t want to do things because society or whoever else says I must do it. This year my top priority is me.

So here are my goals for the year:

  • Wake up early (at 4:30 am) to have a relaxing morning routine before starting my day.
  • Read everyday, in the morning and at night.
  • Journal everyday, at least one page.
  • Practice Mindfulness Meditation everyday.
  • Do something to be physically active at least 6 days a week (this can be a fun workout video, go for a walk, play just dance or have a solo dance party).

My goals are things I want to do everyday and I believe that is the key to creating habits. When you are consistent, and do things regularly chances are that you will keep doing it because it has become part of your everyday life. This is specially true if the things you want to incorporate in your life bring you joy and you do them because you truly want to, not because you feel you have to. For example I want to be active, and I don’t like using the word exercise because I don’t like exercising, but I do like other things that can equally make me move my body and break a sweat while being fun.

I hope this inspires you on setting simple goals that will help you have a better life. Most importantly, I hope it inspires you to stay true to yourself, and bring things to your life that will filled it with joy. I am a true believer that life is meant to be enjoyed, to do things you like, to feel good and feel free.

Share with me on the comments below what are your goals for the new year, if you have a personal mantra and also what you thought of this post. Can’t wait to read them.

Never stop dreaming,

12 Days of Red Lipstick (Starting December 1st)

12 Days of Red Lipstick (Starting December 1st)

I know I have been absent on the blog, but life has been super busy, also, super exciting things have been happening, and I have been super stretch with time and everything I want to do. But with everything happening I couldn’t be more happy, still I miss writing so much, so here I am. It’s the beginning of the holiday season and this year I want to celebrate on a big way.

Today I wanted to come here and talk about the 12 Days of Red Lipstick Challenge I will be doing from December 1st thru the 12th, to celebrate the beginning of the holiday season. I love red lipstick during the entire year, but December is a good excuse, plus I consider red to be the color of the season.

I did this little challenge back on December 2015. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to do it again. From 2015 to now a lot of red lipsticks have passed thru my lips, I have some new favorites and I have been buying some new ones to try. I am sure I don’t have to say it, but I am super excited about it.

So what is the 12 Days of Red Lipstick Challenge? For twelve days I will be posting a photo on my social media (Instagram and Facebook), wearing a red lipstick and at the end I will be doing a recap post telling you my thoughts on the 12 lipsticks I wore.

I do it for fun and I hope you can help me make it even better by also wearing red lips, uploading your photos, tagging me, and using the hashtags #12daysofredlipstick and #dreaminglifeinpink. I love discovering new lipsticks, so be sure to let me know your favorites. Let’s make the beginning of this beautiful season, fun and special.

See you on December 1st with red lips!

Never stop dreaming,

NYX Cosmetics Products Review

NYX Cosmetics Products Review

Last Friday I took advantage of a NYX Cosmetics coupon from Gustazos. For that day only and presenting the coupon at Walgreens you could buy up to 5 NYX Cosmetics products for $4. Being the makeup addict that I am, I couldn’t let this opportunity pass, I had to take  it and try new makeup. So I bought a couple of things and of course I had to “play” with them and share my thoughts with you. So, here is my little review.

Lid Lingerie Shadow Palette

This shadows are perfect for someone wanting to create more of an everyday neutral look. These are all matte, which I thought was awesome. There are not a variety of shades, but the great part is that they are very pigmented. In conclusion, if you are looking for some high quality neutral matte shadows give this one a try.

Away We Glow Illuminating Powder

I bought this product because I thought the color will be a perfect blush for Fall. This little guy was so pigmented! The first time I tried it I looked like a clown! What I have been doing is that I only tap twice on the product, very light handed and then I apply it to the apples of the cheek. The lightest color I use has a highlight, but that shade in particular doesn’t have a good color payoff. Sadly I know I will not be grabbing this product on a daily basis, but is not an overall bad product and I will definitely try other shades.

That’s The Point Put a Wing on It Artistry Liner

I am always looking for a good liquid liner to create my cat eyes and this one claimed to be the perfect candidate for the job. Sadly this product I regret buying. This product it’s not easy to work with. I had little to no product deposit from the tip of the liner. For the line to be very black I had to stamp the sides of the liner to my eye lid which resulted on a thick line. Since the tip didn’t have enough product in it, it was very difficult to create the wing and super easy to just make a mess of your makeup. I tried to make it work on 3 occasions and it was always the same, and the 3 times I ended going over it with another liquid liner to make it look some what decent.

Sleap Tease Lip Lacquer

This lip product is very pigmented and glossy and if that is something you are into, great! Before applying the lipstick on my lips I have to really take my time “cleaning” the applicator in the tub, because if I don’t do that I will have a sticky mess on my lips. I try to apply it very light handed and I bloat my lips to take the excess off. This is not a product I dislike, I just think that at the moment they are not the kind of finish I am after. Something good I have to say is that they wear off evenly and they leave a little tint on your lips that looks cute.

Worth the Hype Volumizing & Lengthening Mascara

This mascara I love!! I love how it makes my lashes look. This is one of the things I bought that I am sure I will keep repurchasing. It makes my lashes look full and long with only two coats. What more can I say? I love it and you should go and buy your self one as soon as possible, trust me.

Have you tried any of these products? If you have what are your thoughts? Is any of these products on you makeup wishlist? Did you had the opportunity to use the Gustazo, and if so, what did you bought? I will love to know, be sure to leave your comments below.

Never stop dreaming,

How to Have Enough Time

How to Have Enough Time

I am guilty of saying I don’t have time to do things, but the truth is that some how I always find myself scrolling mindlessly on social media, specially pinterest. So the question is, do I really not have time, or do I don’t make time for “better” or more important things? Surely the correct answer is the last one. I will like to believe that I am not the only one suffering of this, please tell me I am not. Recently I have started exploring how to minimize my I don’t have time dilemma, working with my time management, trying to be more productive, and on making me feel like I am making the most of time. That is why I want to share with you, what so far I have identified as helpful in the manner. I hope it can help you too.

Make a master list

In this master list you are going to write down everything you have to do and everything you want to do. Maybe is super long, or not, but this is the first step. You can organize it by categories if you want to be extra organize. And every time something comes to mind write it down on your master list.

Set priorities

So you have the super list, now is time to prioritize. Make another list with the most important things you have or want to do. After you have the most important things, add numbers to each item, 1 being the most important. This one I do recommend you section in Have To Do and Want To Do.

Simple things list

This list is of things that you necessarily don’t have to do, but want to, or that you always putt off doing. This things don’t take too much time or energy to do or are not a big deal if you don’t do them right away. Think of them as a filler for your day, and that way you are less tempted to spend precious time scrolling on social media (yes, that is what I tell myself).

Plan your day

Now that you have all your lists is time to plan your days. Find the and place for planning that works best for you. Maybe you can plan the entire week on one day, or maybe you can do it everyday. Right now the way I am doing it is that as part of my night routine I plan the next day. My list consists of 3 lists with a maximum of 3 items each. I do it this way so that I don’t feel overwhelm, I have more chances of completing everything on my list and I feel motivated to keep doing it.

Maintain a positive self talk

This last thing is the most important. To keep yourself motivated, find the time and energy to do this things you have and/or want to do, you have to keep a positive attitude. Work on taking off your vocabulary the phrase “I don’t have time” and try to change for something positive. For example on my desk at work I have a post it note with the phrase “El tiempo me da y me sobra”, which means something like “ I have plenty of time”. If at the end of the day you couldn’t complete everything you planned to do, don’t be hard on yourself, there is always another day. Make sure you enjoy the process and enjoy your time.

I hope this post can be helpful on your life and on your day to day. I think we always day dream about doing a lot of things and at the end of the day we don’t do it. But with this I want to motivate you and give you a plan on how you can change that, take control of your time and be productive.

What do you think of the method I shared with you? Do you think this could be something helpful? What do you do to accomplish your daily tasks? Do you organize your day? I will love to know, so be sure to leave me your comments below. Also don’t forget to subscribe to the blog.

Never stop dreaming,

End of Year Goals

End of Year Goals

We are in the last quarter of the year and I am sure I am not the only one who thinks that this year has flown by fast. We usually wait ‘till the start of the year to make a list of goals or resolutions for the new year. But since I believe we can make any day or moment of the year a fresh start, I propose we think of a couple of things or goals we want to do or accomplish next year and start working on them now.

It’s not very productive to do a long list of new year resolutions to start working on in January 1st. I bet there are things on the list you made (physical or mentally) for this year that maybe you started doing and then stopped or things you never did. So here is my plan, pick 3 things you want to add to your daily routine in this last 3 months of the year, and let’s finish 2018 strong!

I have a very handy and easy method to create goals and accomplish them that you can read here (go read it, it will be super helpful). But the short version of it is to make a plan on how you are going to work on accomplishing that goal or task.

First. I want you to pick 3 things, they can be related or not, because I want you to concentrate in one each month. This is specially helpful if you are working on habits. That way you don’t feel overwhelmed trying or doing a lot of new things at once and you can give each one all your attention.

Second. Identify how to keep track of you progress. You can use a pen and paper, your notes app on your phone, an app like Streaks or an Excel document (like me) to mark off every time you do or work on that specific task or goal.

These are my goals:
October – Wakeup at 4:30 am everyday to read and meditate. I used to do this for a couple of months at the beginning of the year, but then summer vacations came and I stop. It’s something I want to incorporate again to my morning routine and bring it to the new year.

November – Journal every day. I stopped writing in a journal and I don’t even know why. So, my goal for this month is to keep a daily gratitude journal (very fitting for this month) Something sweet and short to get back to it.

December – Eat a homemade, somewhat healthy breakfast every morning. I usually have hard boiled eggs with cheese during my weekdays, it’s easy and kind of fast to do, but there are times I get lazy, and my breakfasts are pop tarts or sugary cereals (sadly they have become a very regular thing). Since the holidays in Puerto Rico are not very healthy, I want to at least make sure I have a good, homemade breakfast every morning, to start my day right.

This monthly goals are things I will work for that month but continue the next month. They are things I want to add to my daily routine starting now and for the next year. These are all things I enjoy doing, but for some reason or another I stopped doing. I say this, because is important that you work on things you like and that make you feel good and that way it will be easier to accomplish them.

Do you already have your monthly goals for what is left of 2018? Will you be working on your habits before the new year? How do you plan keep track of your goals? If you have any question or suggestion be sure to leave me your comment below, I love reading them.

Ps. The giveaway is open until tomorrow, Friday, October 12, in the evening, if you haven’t enter go here to learn how.

Never stop dreaming,