Happy 1st Year of Blogging!

Happy 1st Birthday, Dreaming Life in Pink!

I can’t believe how fast time passes by. A year ago I was starting my new adventure in Psychology, taking some required classes to hopefully start my Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, and here I am in my second semester (to see how I am handling it go here).
It was in one of those classes that I stared playing with the idea on my mind that I wanted a blog, writing ideas on my notebook of what I wanted to write. And a Monday, in a free period between classes I posted for the first time on Dreaming Life in Pink. You can go read my first post here
So many things have happened this year, I have learned, change and grown so much. I feel I am on my way to be the Steph I have always wanted to be, giving my best, enjoying life and being adventurous. 
I love having my little blog to write about what seems important to me, to get creative, to keep my self motivated to live my dreams, and my wish is that I can help other people do the same. I like spending time working on it, and I hope that you, that are reading me, enjoy spending time reading it too.
I am sure this year wouldn’t have been the same without Dreaming Life in Pink in my life, so I am very excited to be celebrating it’s 1st year. 
Wishing for many years of celebration to come. 
Always dreaming life in pink,


Getting Thru Demanding Times

(Makeup done between study sessions on a busy night.) 

I feel like I have abandoned Dreaming Life in Pink, I didn’t have much free time during the summer and now that classes have started I feel like I need to add more hours to my days just to have time to go to work and do all my school work, without feeling stressed and anxious. No one ever said having a full time job and trying to complete a Masters Degree is easy, cause it surely is not, but is not impossible and I know I am not the only one going thru it (my respects to the people that besides work and college, also have a family to take care of).

But it’s not all bad.  So, today I decided to share with you how I am getting through this demanding time of my life.

1. Investing in a career you are passionate about.

I love psychology (maybe as much as I love makeup), and being passionate about what you are studying or working with, will make things a little bit easier.  Sometimes I get frustrated with the amount of work the professors are given us, and that I sometimes find very difficult, because some of the things the professors think you already know I really don’t (considering that my Bachelors Degree was in Business Administration).  There is always a point in the week where I am in the classroom, and the professor is talking very passionately (the good thing about having great professors), and it makes sense to me again, that I am there ’cause is something that I really want and that at the end it will be worth it. 

2. Surround your self with positive and supportive people.

Even thought I know that all the sacrifices I am making at the end will be totally worth it, even if is just for personal satisfaction, having a great support system around you it’s super important.  My friends and family are the best, they are always encouraging me to go after what I want, they help get through my moments of doubt and tiredness, that always seems to come with a bad mood and tears, I am working on it, I promise (sorry, Mami!!). Plus, I am lucky to have a special someone that since I started my Master’s has always been there being my personal cheerleader, and it’s always wiling to help me, and he does helps me so, so much, even if he says other wise (thank you, Handsome).

3. Do fun things.

Keep in mind not everything has to be so serious. Find a time to do something fun, to relax the mind and the body. Try it once a week or every two weeks even if it’s just for a couple of hours, your brain will be grateful for the break, after it, go back to the serious stuff.  My BFF and I have made Friday nights, Girls Night, and it’s awesome. We go out, usually to get dinner, catch up on things and have fun. Even if when I get home I have to keep doing school work, for those couple of hours I try to not think of it and enjoy the moment. 

4. Take time for your self.

Has with #3, find time, even if its a couple of hours in the week and treat yourself. My favorite way to relax is to burn a candle (here is my current favorite), put a face mask on and lay down on my bed watching makeup videos on YouTube. I try to not do it to often, ’cause if I have a lot of things to do, I sometimes feel guilty after it, because I could be doing other “more productive” things. Even with thoughts like that, I try to have moments like this every week, I just try to not go crazy and spent to much time on YouTube (it happens…). Another thing I like doing is playing with makeup, even if it’s between study sessions and then get back to what I was doing. Having makeup on gives my more energy in whatever I am doing (even cleaning).

5. Remember is just temporary.

When you think that it’s too much, that it’s to hard and that you can’t do it, remember it’s just temporary. Time will pass, even if you work hard for your dreams or you don’t, so make it worth it. At the end, chances are, you will be happier seeing your dreams and goals come true. Be strong and work for your goals, I know you can do it, and repeat it to yourself, I always tell myself that, I can do it.

6. Find the good in everything.

I consider myself a very positive person. Why bring your self down with your thoughts? I believe everything happens for a reason, so even in difficult or hard times try to find something good in it, a lesson or a blessing in disguise. There is always something to learn or take from in every situation. 

I hope I can inspire you to go after your dreams, even if they seem difficult or impossible.
