Bride to Be Weekend Out

At the begging of the month I went with Future Hubby and one of my Maids of Honor (yes, one, because I have two, more on that later on the blog), to the Caribbean Bridal Expo at the Pedro Rosello Convention Center. We had so much fun and to give you a short summary, I want everything.

It was a weekend event. On Saturday we arrived before the doors were open and we did the registration process. There they gave me a bracelet that was my admission to the event, that said “Bride to be”, I was so excited!

We saw a lot of things, wedding invitations, decor, flowers, music, a lot of coordinators and photographers, and other cool stuff.  We were inspired and took notes on great ideas from there, and saw some things that we hadn’t thought about and now they are at the top of the list of things we want for the big day.

On Sunday, we got there later on the day and the plan was to identify the suppliers we really liked and to ask (again) for information. We (I) wanted to have them separated from all the ones we saw the day before, because we had a lot, and when I say a lot I mean a lot, of business cards and brochures, and anyone who knows me well knows I don’t have the greatest memory. That Saturday night, when we got home, I couldn’t remember which ones I liked the most, so on Sunday we went there on a mission.

We had so much fun, we even said that next year, even if we have everything, we are going to the event anyway (when I say we I think it was just my BFF and me, not sure Future Hubby participated on that conversation, but I am sure he will be there too).

I have been following Facebook pages of the different suppliers I liked, sending messages and emails requesting information and asking for prices, it’s time to get serious and be on wedding planning mode.

Can’t wait to keep sharing this wonderful adventure.

Never stop dreaming,


I moved! New place, new life!

January was amazing, a great way to start the year. I shared some big news in my last post, I recommend you go and check it out here.

So, as promised, I got another exciting news to share.

I moved to a apartment with Chanel (my cat) and Sachi (my dog)!

The first thing I cooked.

I can’t even tell you how long I have been dreaming about having my own place, and don’t get me wrong, I loved living with my mom, and she comes by all the time, but I wanted a place I could call my own, where I took the decisions and felt like a grown woman.

First dinner alone.

January 28, 2018, was my first night in the apartment, and I have been loving every moment of it. Also Chanel has been loving it, she loves the glass windows, and the new sofa, and she has been more affectionate and now lets me pet her for longer periods of time. In the other hand Sachi has had a harder time getting used to the space, but we got everything under control now. Now when I sit on my sofa I usually have Sachi on my lap and Chanel beside me, and I have to constantly pet them both, and that’s the perfect setting to binge watch Youtube videos, it’s perfect.

My little piece of cloud.

My beautiful comfy sofa.

I love the feeling of getting home after work or class, and have the space to myself, do things at my pace, seating down and relaxing. Doing ordinary things like cooking, cleaning and studying feel amazing in my own place.  I really have grown with this experience and this is just the beginning, I am sure I will learn a lot more.

Sachi approves the sofa.

Chanel loving the glass windows.

I still want to buy some furniture pieces to make it look more like a home, but for now it’s perfect as it is.

Never stop dreaming,


Big News! I’m Engaged!

In my last post (that you can read here) I wrote about how I decided that 2018 was going to be my year, and I have to admit it has been better than I thought.

I have some big and exciting news to share with you.

I’m engaged!

I am so excited and so happy.

So let me tell you how it happened.

It was Sunday, January 21, in the morning, and Future Hubby came with a box, wrapped in really cute wrapping paper and a red bow. I didn’t understand why he was giving me a gift, and I keep asking why, and he kept telling me to open it, and like that a couple of minutes passed (he is so patient with me), finally when I opened the box it was a book, title “Our Love Story”, and the first page was the story of the first day he saw me and how we met, and I started crying.

The book is filled with pictures of us, important dates, and reasons why he loves me. And you know what? I kept crying. And there is a page that says “Stop”, and that moment he got down on one knee and took out the ring, and I kept crying but in that moment I was crying harder, and he asked me “will you marry me?” and I said “yeeeessssss!”. Yeap, you guess it, I was still crying, but I was also laughing! Weird noises where coming out of mouth, like a sea lion with asthma, it wasn’t pretty. The rest of the morning I kept crying telling my mom, my friends and his family.

I feel so blessed to have this wonderful man in my life. Still can’t believe I am engaged to the love of my life, have the ring of my dreams and that now I can start planning our wedding.

The month of January was so exciting and I am so happy, and there’s still more exciting news I will be sharing on my next post.

Never stop dreaming,


I am back! (Hello 2018!)

Hi there!

I’ve been day dreaming about writing in the blog for a while know, but with so much happening I always put it a side. Today when the thought came I decide to just write.

The end of 2017 was kind of difficult, after Hurricane Maria passed trough Puerto Rico, a lot of things changed. I am so blessed everything was fine, no major material losses, and my family was safe, that is not something everyone can say, I am so grateful for it, but still everyday life has changed as we get used to what are new reality has been.

I never in my life thought that I will not have access for like a month to internet and other telecommunications. Of course I knew that we were going to spend some time without water and without electricity, and I did not imagine it will be for so long, but not being able to call, text and browse the internet for almost a month, and still to this day experiencing problems with it, is something that never crossed my mine. Those first days being completely without communication where hard, but then when I knew everything was ok and everyone was safe, that time without cellphone and internet was just what I need it for my personal growth.

I learned to not be so attached to my cellphone. I learned how to pass the days without going on social media, and I read a lot those days. I took advantage of not having classes for almost a month to read all I could and I loved it. Since then I have make reading a priority, and one of my goals for the year is to read everyday, even if its just one page, am still working on it.

With everything that has happen I have decided that life must be enjoyed to it’s full potential, do things you love, take risks to make your dreams and goals come true and to live without regrets. I decided 2018 is my year to make my dreams come true, working hard and being focused, with less procrastination and less spending time in social media and more reading time. Let’s do this 2018!

Never stop dreaming,
