Mis Libros del Momento (Enero)

Han sido semanas difíciles en Puerto Rico y aunque mi preocupación o miedo no se compara con lo que han estado sintiendo las personas del área sur y suroeste de la isla, yo me he refugiado en mis libros y en la lectura para mantenerme ocupada y distraída.

Quiero compartir con ustedes y recomendarle los libros que actualmente estoy leyendo, porque me gustan todos.

The Christmas Sisters por Sarah Morgan (Kindle)

Este es mi libro de diciembre… y pues… de enero también. Es una buena historia y cuando me siento a leer me cautiva. Trata de la historia de 3 hermanas y su mamá, quienes tienen estilos de vida y prioridades diferentes y todo el drama que estas viven a la expectativa de compartir todas juntas durante la época de navidad. No me gustan los spoilers así que si quieres leer más sobre que trata te dejo el link de Amazon aquí.

War Storm por Victoria Aveyard (Audible)

Este libro es parte de la serie Red Queen y trata sobre la historia de Mer, en una sociedad dividida por clases sociales determinadas por el tipo de sangre (roja o plata), en donde las personas con sangre plata tienen poderes especiales los cuales ellos consideran que los coloca por encima de las otras personas. Pero Mer, de sangre roja, tiene algo que la hace especial, además de ser una “amenaza” para los sangre plateada. Tiene de todo un poco, amor, acción y drama. Este libro hace que me emocione por tener que guiar, para poder escucharlo. Sé que no le hago justicia al describirlo, por eso te dejo el link de Amazon aquí.

Amiga, Lávate esa Cara por Rachel Hollis (Físico)

Mis amigas, apoyándome sin saberlo en mi meta de leer más me regalaron libros esta navidad, y este fue uno de ellos. Y además es el libro del mes en nuestro “bookclub” y ¡me encanta! Al leer este libro parece que estás teniendo una conversación con Rachel y tiene tantos consejos y cosas para analizar y aplicar a tu vida que te hace prestarle atención. Este es 100% recomendado, te dejo el link de Amazon aquí.

Happiness and How It Happens: Finding Contenment Through Mindfulness por The Happy Buddha (Suryacitta Malcolm Smith) (Físico)

Este librito es mi compañero en la hora de almuerzo. No es secreto que me encanta el tema de Mindfulness, y este libro me gusta porque me pone a pensar y evaluar mi vida, las cosas que hago y como soy con mis pensamientos, además de que da muy buenas ideas y técnicas para meditar y practicar Mindfulness. Es fácil de leer, así que si te interesa te dejo el link aquí.

El Libro de Mormón (Físico)

Soy miembro de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días (puedes encontrar más información aquí), y junto con la Biblia tenemos El Libro de Mormón como parte de nuestras escrituras. Mi Esposito y yo comenzamos a leerlo a finales de julio, con el objetivo de terminarlo antes de que acabara el año y no sucedió… pero eso quedó en el año viejo, ahora estamos siendo más consistentes y la meta es terminarlo para el mes de abril, leyendo un capítulo por día. Además este año en la escuela dominical, a nivel mundial, se está estudiando el Libro de Mormón y para estar a la par con la clase lo estamos leyendo dos veces. Es sorprendente las cosas nuevas que se descubren y aprenden al leerlo de nuevo varios meses después.

Como ven, tengo muchas formas de “leer” ya sea físico, electrónico (Kindle) o audio (Audible), para mí lo importante es consumir información que aporte algo a mi vida, que me relaje y que me entretenga, depende del mood.

Me encantaría saber que están leyendo actualmente y que libros han leído que les han encantado. Estoy trabajando en mi book wishlist para estos meses y quiero saber sus recomendaciones.

Never stop dreaming,

Easy Self Care Tips

Easy Self Care Tips


For me, Self Care is the most important thing in health care, because it combines everything. Self Care is taking care of you, taking time to do things that will help you feel good, and if you feel good chances are you will have good mental health and those two combined will help you have better physical health and overall a good life. What I want you to take from this is that spending time on yourself is important, even though it may not be easy sometimes, try to make it a priority and find the time to at least incorporate some self care activities to your life, even if it’s just a couple of times every month. That is why I want to share with you easy self care tips, things you don’t have to plan and organize ahead of time and that will not require too much decision making.

(In this post I will not talk directly about Mindfulness although it’s in there indirectly, but I do want to mention that Mindfulness is my number one self care activity, if you want to read more about it click here.)

Have a Organized Living Space

This is my first and most important tip. There is nothing more relaxing and that makes me happy than having my apartment organized and everything looking good. Getting home after a long or hard day and seeing everything clean and in it’s place, instantly makes me happy, it changes my mood immediately. For me it can be easy, since a have a small apartment and I live alone. But find a spot in your home, that will become your happy and relaxing spot, and try to maintain it clean and organized, it can be your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom or a little corner on your living room, anywhere you will like. Identify where you like to spend most of your time and keep it tidy. If I had a bigger house and a family, I think mine will be a corner in the patio (it’s my dream), where I can seat, be connected to nature, even if it just the grass, and just relax. Keep in mind that a organized space will help you have an organized mind.

Read Books

I encourage you to find a good book, if reading is something you like to do, and even if you think you don’t like it that much. Taking time to loose your self in the story or the message of a book, it’s truly magical. The most important thing is to find a book you like or interest you, and schedule some time to just read and nothing else. I love riding about different things, but when I want to read as a way of self care I always go for fiction. It’s a great way to use your imagination and be transported to another world.

Watch Movies

If you don’t like reading that much, or want something “easier” than reading, then watch a movie. Again, find something you like or interest you and that will make you feel good (if you are sad don’t watch something that you know will make you more sad than you are) and watch it with all your attention on it, without distractions, and that means no multitasking, no social media, etc. Immerse yourself in the story, laugh, cry, get mad, but have a good time. My self care movie are usually Disney movies, like Aladdin, my all time favorite, or something along those lines. To make the experience even more relaxing have little lists (emphasis on little) of movies you like watching or will like to watch and choose something from there, it will be better than browsing Netflix for half and hour trying to find something to watch.

Have Spa Nights (or days or little moments)

This one is my favorite self care activity. It can be super simple, just 5 extra minutes during your shower, or you can go all out and make an event out of it. Light a candle or two, play slow music, do a face mask, face and body scrubs, take a shower with a nice smelling product, apply a cream or oil to your body and moisturize your face. The key is to do thinks that make you feel good. Just enjoy the process and the sensations and concentrate on what you are doing, and try to not think of anything else.

Making a Simple Home Cook Meal

Having a easy and simple recipe that you can do without putting to much effort in it can be a lifesaver. This will help you to consume less fast food or junk food, because you already have something that you can do fast and easy. My go to recipe is rice and chilli. I do my rice in the microwave, super easy, and the chilli I use ground turkey (that I always have on my freezer) and canned pink beans. It’s tasty, easy and fast. So identity your easy go to recipe and make sure to always have the ingredients on hand, and you will have something less to worry about when you are tired or have had a hard day.

I love taking time to do things that will help me relax and enjoy myself, and I hope you can find the time to incorporate some (or all) of this to your life. Identify what makes you fill good and make a mental note to do it constantly.

What do you think about these tips? Do you have other self care activities that I did not mentioned? What is your favorite way to give your self some love? I will love to know in the comments below.

I want to share with you this quote:

“Self care isn’t selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” – Eleanor Brownn

Never stop dreaming,


My Pampering Night Routine

My Pampering Night Routine

If you are a normal person, chances are your days are busy. We often forget to take time to relax, to enjoy and pamper ourselves. This should be important, taking care of ourselves should be a priority. I used to feel guilty of taking time to relax, but I have learn that it does more harm than good. Feeling calm and refreshed will help you be more productive and focused, and at night it will help you have a better night sleep.

Today I want to share with you my special pampering night routine. I do this the nights I need to recharge my batteries and give myself some extra love, and I wish I could do it more often. I hope this post inspires you to do the same and create your own special routine.

Face Mask

What is a pampering night routine without a face mask? Since lately I am not wearing to much makeup (you can read about it here) I want to take better care of my skin. I really like face masks, but living days in a hurry has made it difficult to take the time to do them. I try to do this routine at least twice a month, but the ultimate goal is to do it weekly. Lately I have been enjoying this face mask by GLAMGLOW it leaves my skin feeling fresh and extra clean.

Lemon Water

I love ice cold lemon water. I don’t have problems taking my daily intake of water, but when I want to feel extra fancy I add lemons, and it makes it tasty yummy and it looks pretty. I don’t know why but lemon water in a mason jar makes me happy, so why not make it part of a pampering night routine, right?

TV Series – Nashville

Because I was born in San Antonio, Texas, I have a strong believe that there is some “country” in me, which is the reason for my love of country music. When the series first came out I loved it, but I am very bad at keeping up with series just watching once a week, so recently I have been catching up in Hulu. This is the perfect time to enjoy yourself while you enjoy your favorite series or movie. *I will love to have new recommendations, let me know your favorite series or movie in the comment section below.*


Ok, ok! You already know how much I like my showers (I have talk about them here and here and a couple of other posts, I am sure). But taking time to have a relaxing, not in a hurry shower, with your favorite products and really be present in the moment is truly magical. This is one of my favorite ways to practice mindfulness. Of all the things in this post if you only can do one, this is it, trust me.

Read and No Technology

Even if I wanted, I don’t have much time before going to sleep, but reading something light, like this Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (which is a good read for anytime of the day, inspiring stores of strong and awesome females, yes please!), and avoiding technology while in bed helps me fall a sleep faster. If you make it a nightly habit, your body will know that when you go to bed and take your night time reading book, that is time to sleep. But specially avoiding technology at least 30 minutes before going to bed will help you have a better night sleep. So even once in a while, when you are having a hard and stressful day implement this to your night routine. Another tip is to incorporate 5 minutes (or until you fall a sleep) of mindfulness meditation in bed when you are ready to sleep, will help you calm your busy mind.

Going to Bed Early

This is the best part of my special pampering routine. Going to bed early is something I want to do everyday and almost never do. Making it part of this routine helps me to accomplish this at least a couple of times a month.

There you have it, my special night routine. I hope this post has inspired you to take a bit of time for yourself, to help you recharge and refresh your mind and body.

Do you have a night routine? What would you add to the things I mentioned? I will love to know your thoughts, so leave me a comment below.

Never stop dreaming,


Fall Night Routine

This past week, that I had some free days before my classes start again, I decided I wanted to incorporate into my life a night routine.  I believe that having a night routine will help your mind recognize that the time to go to sleep is approaching, and it’s also a great way to treat yourself.  So, here I present to you my routine.

Hot Cup of Chai Tea

I have been obsessed with this Chai Tea, specially with milk (Latte) lately.  I love the the taste of spices, and I find it so perfect to drink in this Fall season.  I have been really enjoying it now that at night the weather gets a bit chilly.  I fill so relax drinking it, and that’s exactly the feeling I want before going to sleep.  In the morning I like drinking it cold, to calm down in my way to work.

Vanilla Lavender Candle

After my cup of tea is ready I go to my room and light this candle from Bath and Body Works.  My go to way to relax has always been thru good smelling things like candles and body products.  And this candle just set the perfect atmosphere to whine down.

Good Book

I am currently reading Adultery by Pablo Coelho, and so far I am enjoying it.  It’s an easy and light read.  It makes you think about your life, how you are living it and things you will do differently.  From my routine, this part is the one I am most looking forward to keeping even when I start my classes again,  I have a lot of books I want to read.  Plus, reading because I want to and not because I have to is very comforting.

After I am done reading, I go wash my cup and blow off my candle, before I turn my light off I spray this Pillow Mist on my bed and climb in it.  It smells so good.  I love the lavender scent, it’s not over powering, it gives your sheet that clean smell.  Who doesn’t love sleeping in recently clean sheets? But because that is not possible every day this is the second best.

After all that I am ready to sleep.  I am still trying to stop using electronics an hour before going to sleep, but I haven’t had much luck with that, I am kind of addicted to Facebook, but I am aware of it and I am trying to work on it.

I like having this little routine and now I want to start working on a morning routine.  That one is so difficult, I feel like I am always so tired in the morning, no matter how early I go to sleep.  I am always late and running around like crazy before I go to work,  My goal is to wake up and have enough time to eat breakfast at home and not in the car, and to not feel in a hurry every morning.  I’ll keep you guys posted with how it turns out.

Do you have a routine for your mornings or nights?  What is something that helps you get ready to sleep? Let me know in the comments below.  Also if you have any tips I could use for my still in process morning routine, I would appreciated.

Always dreaming,


Dates with Myself

You know how there is a list on your mind of the things you want to do, places you want to go, but hadn’t had the opportunity to. My list was long, until I decided I was done waiting for the perfect time, and I would start doing them. And thats when my dates with myself started.

First, I want you to know that I was the type of person that didn’t like going out alone, not even having lunch alone.  The only thing I used to do alone, once in a while, was seeing a movie in a theater, if I didn’t find company.  So, that being said, I like being around people, and I am very social.  But there are a lot of places I want to go, and things I want to do and sometimes is hard finding the right time for everyone to do those things, and I was feeling like I was losing opportunities and experiences waiting.

My first “date” was as an end of semester celebration, I decided I deserved some me time, to relax and have a good time.  I planned ahead and told everyone I could my plans, that way I wouldn’t back out, plus, the countdown was exciting. 
The day came, and on my way over I kept thinking I should just buy food on a drive-thru and eat in my car, cause, “what would I do alone in a restaurant table?”.  I pushed the thoughts away and went with my plan. After I was in the place, sitting alone in the table, I was so proud of my self.  I distracted myself people watching and spending some time on social media until the food arrive. Then I went to see a movie and after that I did some walking at the mall. That night when I got home, I was so happy, proud and pleased with myself, it was an awesome experience. 

After that day I told myself I can do anything I want and that I won’t deprive myself of experiences just because I am alone.  When I decide I want to do something alone, at first I feel self conscious, but I let the though pass, and I focus on having a great time.  These little decisions make me feel powerful and in control of my life, I feel stronger and independent and I love how I’m feeling.  I am not saying I prefer going out alone, I still like company, but I learned that the only thing I need to have fun is my attitude. 
I challenge you to take yourself out in a date and have fun. Control those thoughts that hold you back and be determined to have a good time. I am sure you wont regret giving yourself some quality time.
Never stop dreaming.