Mis Libros del Momento (Enero)

Han sido semanas difíciles en Puerto Rico y aunque mi preocupación o miedo no se compara con lo que han estado sintiendo las personas del área sur y suroeste de la isla, yo me he refugiado en mis libros y en la lectura para mantenerme ocupada y distraída.

Quiero compartir con ustedes y recomendarle los libros que actualmente estoy leyendo, porque me gustan todos.

The Christmas Sisters por Sarah Morgan (Kindle)

Este es mi libro de diciembre… y pues… de enero también. Es una buena historia y cuando me siento a leer me cautiva. Trata de la historia de 3 hermanas y su mamá, quienes tienen estilos de vida y prioridades diferentes y todo el drama que estas viven a la expectativa de compartir todas juntas durante la época de navidad. No me gustan los spoilers así que si quieres leer más sobre que trata te dejo el link de Amazon aquí.

War Storm por Victoria Aveyard (Audible)

Este libro es parte de la serie Red Queen y trata sobre la historia de Mer, en una sociedad dividida por clases sociales determinadas por el tipo de sangre (roja o plata), en donde las personas con sangre plata tienen poderes especiales los cuales ellos consideran que los coloca por encima de las otras personas. Pero Mer, de sangre roja, tiene algo que la hace especial, además de ser una “amenaza” para los sangre plateada. Tiene de todo un poco, amor, acción y drama. Este libro hace que me emocione por tener que guiar, para poder escucharlo. Sé que no le hago justicia al describirlo, por eso te dejo el link de Amazon aquí.

Amiga, Lávate esa Cara por Rachel Hollis (Físico)

Mis amigas, apoyándome sin saberlo en mi meta de leer más me regalaron libros esta navidad, y este fue uno de ellos. Y además es el libro del mes en nuestro “bookclub” y ¡me encanta! Al leer este libro parece que estás teniendo una conversación con Rachel y tiene tantos consejos y cosas para analizar y aplicar a tu vida que te hace prestarle atención. Este es 100% recomendado, te dejo el link de Amazon aquí.

Happiness and How It Happens: Finding Contenment Through Mindfulness por The Happy Buddha (Suryacitta Malcolm Smith) (Físico)

Este librito es mi compañero en la hora de almuerzo. No es secreto que me encanta el tema de Mindfulness, y este libro me gusta porque me pone a pensar y evaluar mi vida, las cosas que hago y como soy con mis pensamientos, además de que da muy buenas ideas y técnicas para meditar y practicar Mindfulness. Es fácil de leer, así que si te interesa te dejo el link aquí.

El Libro de Mormón (Físico)

Soy miembro de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días (puedes encontrar más información aquí), y junto con la Biblia tenemos El Libro de Mormón como parte de nuestras escrituras. Mi Esposito y yo comenzamos a leerlo a finales de julio, con el objetivo de terminarlo antes de que acabara el año y no sucedió… pero eso quedó en el año viejo, ahora estamos siendo más consistentes y la meta es terminarlo para el mes de abril, leyendo un capítulo por día. Además este año en la escuela dominical, a nivel mundial, se está estudiando el Libro de Mormón y para estar a la par con la clase lo estamos leyendo dos veces. Es sorprendente las cosas nuevas que se descubren y aprenden al leerlo de nuevo varios meses después.

Como ven, tengo muchas formas de “leer” ya sea físico, electrónico (Kindle) o audio (Audible), para mí lo importante es consumir información que aporte algo a mi vida, que me relaje y que me entretenga, depende del mood.

Me encantaría saber que están leyendo actualmente y que libros han leído que les han encantado. Estoy trabajando en mi book wishlist para estos meses y quiero saber sus recomendaciones.

Never stop dreaming,

Mis Metas para el 2020

¡Feliz año nuevo 2020! Primer lunes del año y aquí estoy, bien motivada y feliz de estar de regreso en Dreaming Life in Pink.

Les cuento que el 2019 para mí fue un año bien transformador. Pude aprender más de mi, mis prioridades e intenciones, y es por eso que este año vengo aún más decidida a realizar cambios, aprender y seguir creciendo.

Como saben, yo soy amante de las metas y no sé de alguien que nunca haya realizado metas al comenzar un nuevo año. Asi que les quiero compartir mis metas, por eso de tenerlos a ustedes como un “accountability partner”.

1. Leer 12 libros

No quiero que me pregunten cuantos libros leí el año pasado, pero si quiero que me pregunten cuantos libros terminé… ¿Quieren saber? Pues la respuesta es 0, cero, absolutamente ninguno. Y eso no puede volver a ocurrir. Yo amo leer, así que en el 2020 será una de mis prioridades.

2. Caminar (ejercitarme) regularmente y caminar un 5k

Esta meta viene por varias razones. Primero, este año nuestras vacaciones (de nuevo), serán en los parques en Orlando, aunque esta vez además de los parques de Universal, vamos también para Disney, y yo quiero estar en buena condición física para todas las caminatas que me esperan. Segundo, amo ganar medallas. Hacen unos años atrás una de mis mejores amigas, mi mamá y yo estabamos “juquias” haciendo carreras donde nos ganaramos medallas, y yo quiero volver a eso, quiero aumentar mi mini colección.

3. Quiero tomar el examen de reválida de Psicología (o al menos solicitarlo)

Al igual que leer, he estado bien vaga con estudiar, pero esta meta no la puedo seguir alargando. Y digo al menos solicitarla, para no ponerme tanta presion… poco a poco… ustedes me entienden, ¿verdad?

4. Publicar en el Blog mensualmente

Y digo publicar, no escribir, porque no saben cuantas notas tengo en mi celular con publicaciones que escribí el año pasado pero nunca publiqué. Al igual que con lo de estudiar, la meta es “pequeña”, una vez al mes (aunque espero que sean más), para no presionarme mucho y que no deje de ser divertido.

Ahi están, mis 4 metas para el año. No quise ponerme muchas, porque ahí es que se puede poner complicado el poder cumplir con ellas. Ahora me gustaría que ustedes compartan sus metas para el año conmigo. Quiero que nos apoyemos y mantengamos motivados. Que este 2020 sea mejor de lo que podamos imaginar.

Los dejo con esta frase: “Cuando realmente quieres algo, encontrarás una manera. Cuando no quieres algo en verdad, encontrarás una excusa.” – Rachel Hollis, Amiga, Lávate esa Cara

Never stop dreaming,

Words From My Journal (1/29/19)

Words From My Journal (1/29/19)

“I am a little bit sad because I haven’t been able to write on the blog, but on the other hand I have been using my time during the weekdays to study, and on the weekends, the time I have, when I don’t have other commitments or things to do at the house I have chosen to relax. I will like to write weekly as I had proposed to myself at the beginning of the year, but until I take my exam at the end of March, it will not be something I will force myself to do, not know or ever , I will not feel bad for not writing or posting.

Blogging is still something I love doing, I enjoy it and I want to keep doing it. But sadly, is something that takes a lot of my time and right now I have other priorities.

My goal right know is to focus on my priorities, make time for personal and spiritual development, to read and meditate, enjoying every moment, give myself love, which is why I have decided to not pressure or judge myself and do things that feel good.”

I decided to share this that I wrote on my journal during my morning routine so that you know that I am still here, and haven’t forgotten this space. I will still be blogging every time I get a chance, so be sure to follow me on social media (Instagram and Facebook) to always be the first to know when there is a new post.

Before you go, let me know in the comments what will you like to read on Dreaming Life in Pink in the future.

Never stop dreaming,

New Year, New Dreams.

New Year, New Dreams.

It’s the first Monday of 2019 and I wanted to come here to wish everyone a very Happy New Year, one that is filled with love, lots of learning, fun adventures and one where you work to make your dreams come true. I have decided to go back to when I started the blog and post on Mondays, to start the week checking off my weekly goals, and here I am for the first one of 2019.

So, talking about goals, I want to share with you my goals for the new year. I don’t want to call them new years resolutions, because I feel that the frase has a negative vibe to it, more often that not, we set pretty high resolutions on new years that we don’t accomplish. My action plan this year is to work on simple things that I know will bring big results in my life.

First of all, my theme for this year is Personal Development, and I planned my goals around that. My mantra is “I can accomplish everything I want”. “I want” being the most important part on that frase. I want to focus on things that bring me purpose and joy, which means I don’t want to do things because society or whoever else says I must do it. This year my top priority is me.

So here are my goals for the year:

  • Wake up early (at 4:30 am) to have a relaxing morning routine before starting my day.
  • Read everyday, in the morning and at night.
  • Journal everyday, at least one page.
  • Practice Mindfulness Meditation everyday.
  • Do something to be physically active at least 6 days a week (this can be a fun workout video, go for a walk, play just dance or have a solo dance party).

My goals are things I want to do everyday and I believe that is the key to creating habits. When you are consistent, and do things regularly chances are that you will keep doing it because it has become part of your everyday life. This is specially true if the things you want to incorporate in your life bring you joy and you do them because you truly want to, not because you feel you have to. For example I want to be active, and I don’t like using the word exercise because I don’t like exercising, but I do like other things that can equally make me move my body and break a sweat while being fun.

I hope this inspires you on setting simple goals that will help you have a better life. Most importantly, I hope it inspires you to stay true to yourself, and bring things to your life that will filled it with joy. I am a true believer that life is meant to be enjoyed, to do things you like, to feel good and feel free.

Share with me on the comments below what are your goals for the new year, if you have a personal mantra and also what you thought of this post. Can’t wait to read them.

Never stop dreaming,

3rd Blogversary and Surprises!

3rd Blogversary and Surprises!


Today I am celebrating 3 years of Dreaming Life in Pink and I couldn’t think of a better way to do it that with a brand new home for it (and another surprise at the end of the post). I can’t believe it has been 3 years already, and more than that, that after wanting to move to a .com, since I started the blog, it finally happened!

This new home for Dreaming Life in Pink has been a work in progress from a long time, reading, learning, planning, until finally I got here and I am super excited and proud of it. Of course besides my best friend Google, I have to thank Julissa from Sequins and Tulle that has always been there to answer my questions and help me when Google has left me all confuse, and Maria Elena from Ambinity, that even without knowing who I am has always been willing to answer my questions about blogging (or crystals).

This 3 years have been amazing, I have learned and grown so much. I have discover so much about my self and for me that has been the best part. I believe my writing has evolve in the past 3 years, and every time I publish a new post it makes me feel accomplished.

I am still a makeup addict, but since I’ve been learning so much about the human mind and the importance of a good mental health my priority has shifted a little bit into self care and mindfulness.  I love having my little place on the internet where I can write about all this things, I hope that you, who take your time to read my blog, can be benefit from it.

I feel like this 3 years are only the beginning, I still feel like I did the first time I hit publish, motivated and excited.  My goal is to create a space where people feel good about them selves, and where they know they can come for a good “pick me up” and also learn new things about makeup, self care or any other topic.

My goal in life is to help people, which is the reason I went into studying psychology, and I love that Dreaming Life in Pink has given me the opportunity to do that in one way or another.

But before you go, I have another surprise!

I am thankful for everyone who takes their time to read my blog, and that are celebrating with me this 3 years and the big move.  As a gift of appreciation I am giving away some of my Fall Essentials (I talked about them here). The winner will get a Leaves candle, my 2 favorite lipsticks for the season (or any season really), Ovaltine to make hot chocolate (or like me, cold milk chocolate) and a face mask, because that is always a necessity. For a chance to win all you have to do is subscribe with your email to the blog (from your phone the box is at the end of the post, from your computer is at the right side of the blog), plus follow my Instagram and like my Facebook page. That way you are participating for the giveaway while making sure to never miss new content and surprises.

The giveaway will be open until October 12, 2018, and is for Puerto Rico and US residents. The winner will be contacted via email, the person will have 24 horas to respond to the email, if no contact is made  another winner will be selected. The winner will be announced in this post and in my social media stories.

Thank you for reading me and following Dreaming Life in Pink.

Never stop dreaming,

Fall Essentials

Fall Essentials

It’s no secret I love Fall, even though here in Puerto Rico it feels like Summer all year around. But I really love the idea of Fall, the colors, the makeup, Halloween and Thanksgiving (which for me is the beginning of the Christmas season). There are a couple of things I consider that are Fall essentials and I have to have every year once September rolls around, although this year I was super excited and my Fall season started at the end of August. Now that is officially Fall and to keep my Autumn spirit high, I share with you my must have this season.

Leaves Candle


I always have candles and I am obsessed with making my space smell good, but if I don’t burn a Leaves candle of Bath and Body Works is not Fall. Every year I stock up on them every time they go on sale (which is the only time I buy candles). I love the scent, it’s a describe in the BWW website as Crisp Red Apple, Golden Nectar and Warm Clove Spice. I even have a room spray and wallflowers plug ins of the same kind, for me this is the scent of Fall.

Dark Lipsticks


I love Fall inspired makeup (I already did one this year, you can see it here), I love dark lipsticks and even more the fact that in this time of year is acceptable to wear a dark eye look with a dark lipstick. I wear dark lipsticks during all the seasons of the year, but in Fall is almost every day. I am still loving Maybelline’s Super Stay Matte Ink Lipsticks and my current favorites are 75 Fighter and 50 Voyager. You will definitely see me rocking them a lot this season.

Hot Chocolate


There is nothing that screams Fall like enjoying a cup of hot chocolate (or your favorite hot beverage). Sadly it’s still to hot for me to really enjoy one, so for now I am enjoying my glass of cold chocolate milk, seating in front of my beautifully decorated wall, watching Good Witch on Netflix and feeling festive, but as soon as I can I am doing the switch to hot chocolate.

Candy Corn


I know not everyone shares my opinion in this one, but for me, if it’s Fall I have to eat Candy Corn, it’s just necessary. I love them, I could eat them every day during Fall, and not get tired of them, although that is not very healthy. This year I even made them part of the decor and they look so pretty, the only thing is that for it to look pretty I will have to refill it a couple of times during the season (which I already have to do…), because I am constantly graving the candy from the jar. Let me know in the comments what is your go to “Autumn” candy.

Halloween Movies


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and when October comes I make time to watch Halloween movies, but ones that aren’t creepy or scary. My movies have to be family friendly and fun to watch. This year I am looking forward to seeing Hocus Pocus (a classic), Beetlejuice and Halloweentown. The snacks for the movie nights, because in my opinion Halloween movies should be watch at night, will be popcorn, chocolates, and of course, candy corn.

What were your thoughts about my list? Do you have Fall favorites? Is there something you do exclusively this time of year? If you have any other recommendations of essentials I should add to my list, let me know in the comments below.

Never stop dreaming,

Easy Self Care Tips

Easy Self Care Tips


For me, Self Care is the most important thing in health care, because it combines everything. Self Care is taking care of you, taking time to do things that will help you feel good, and if you feel good chances are you will have good mental health and those two combined will help you have better physical health and overall a good life. What I want you to take from this is that spending time on yourself is important, even though it may not be easy sometimes, try to make it a priority and find the time to at least incorporate some self care activities to your life, even if it’s just a couple of times every month. That is why I want to share with you easy self care tips, things you don’t have to plan and organize ahead of time and that will not require too much decision making.

(In this post I will not talk directly about Mindfulness although it’s in there indirectly, but I do want to mention that Mindfulness is my number one self care activity, if you want to read more about it click here.)

Have a Organized Living Space

This is my first and most important tip. There is nothing more relaxing and that makes me happy than having my apartment organized and everything looking good. Getting home after a long or hard day and seeing everything clean and in it’s place, instantly makes me happy, it changes my mood immediately. For me it can be easy, since a have a small apartment and I live alone. But find a spot in your home, that will become your happy and relaxing spot, and try to maintain it clean and organized, it can be your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom or a little corner on your living room, anywhere you will like. Identify where you like to spend most of your time and keep it tidy. If I had a bigger house and a family, I think mine will be a corner in the patio (it’s my dream), where I can seat, be connected to nature, even if it just the grass, and just relax. Keep in mind that a organized space will help you have an organized mind.

Read Books

I encourage you to find a good book, if reading is something you like to do, and even if you think you don’t like it that much. Taking time to loose your self in the story or the message of a book, it’s truly magical. The most important thing is to find a book you like or interest you, and schedule some time to just read and nothing else. I love riding about different things, but when I want to read as a way of self care I always go for fiction. It’s a great way to use your imagination and be transported to another world.

Watch Movies

If you don’t like reading that much, or want something “easier” than reading, then watch a movie. Again, find something you like or interest you and that will make you feel good (if you are sad don’t watch something that you know will make you more sad than you are) and watch it with all your attention on it, without distractions, and that means no multitasking, no social media, etc. Immerse yourself in the story, laugh, cry, get mad, but have a good time. My self care movie are usually Disney movies, like Aladdin, my all time favorite, or something along those lines. To make the experience even more relaxing have little lists (emphasis on little) of movies you like watching or will like to watch and choose something from there, it will be better than browsing Netflix for half and hour trying to find something to watch.

Have Spa Nights (or days or little moments)

This one is my favorite self care activity. It can be super simple, just 5 extra minutes during your shower, or you can go all out and make an event out of it. Light a candle or two, play slow music, do a face mask, face and body scrubs, take a shower with a nice smelling product, apply a cream or oil to your body and moisturize your face. The key is to do thinks that make you feel good. Just enjoy the process and the sensations and concentrate on what you are doing, and try to not think of anything else.

Making a Simple Home Cook Meal

Having a easy and simple recipe that you can do without putting to much effort in it can be a lifesaver. This will help you to consume less fast food or junk food, because you already have something that you can do fast and easy. My go to recipe is rice and chilli. I do my rice in the microwave, super easy, and the chilli I use ground turkey (that I always have on my freezer) and canned pink beans. It’s tasty, easy and fast. So identity your easy go to recipe and make sure to always have the ingredients on hand, and you will have something less to worry about when you are tired or have had a hard day.

I love taking time to do things that will help me relax and enjoy myself, and I hope you can find the time to incorporate some (or all) of this to your life. Identify what makes you fill good and make a mental note to do it constantly.

What do you think about these tips? Do you have other self care activities that I did not mentioned? What is your favorite way to give your self some love? I will love to know in the comments below.

I want to share with you this quote:

“Self care isn’t selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” – Eleanor Brownn

Never stop dreaming,


Dreaming of Wedding: Planning Update #2

Dreaming of Wedding: Planning Update #2

Let me just start by saying that planning a wedding has been extremely exciting and a lot easier than I thought, maybe the hard part hasn’t come yet, but for now I will keep enjoying it.  In my first wedding planning update (that you can read here) we already had the venue, photographer, and band and I said I was going to be all hands on wedding stuff during the summer and that is exactly what we did.

The first task of the summer was finding a wedding coordinator.  Back on March, Future Hubby, one of my Maids of Honor (because I have two, you can read about it here) and I, went to the Caribbean Bridal Expo at the Pedro Rosello Convention Center, (you can read about my experience here), and we saw and talk to a lot of people, but since I talked to Sofia Christina, of Bloom Events, on the first day I felt a connection, I knew she was the one.  We met with other 2 coordinators before meeting officially with Sofia, and Future Hubby and I just felt she was a better fit for us.  Even before meeting her and signing a contract, she was willing to help and to answer my doubts about the process and anything wedding related.  She has been very helpful, organized, and has stay on top of everything.  I am very pleased, we are still almost a year away from the wedding, and she has made us feel like a priority and that she is committed on making our wedding to be wonderful. She also has a blog with cute posts and helpful tips, go check it out here.

The other things we wanted to booked this summer were decor and the cake.  With the cake happened the same as with the coordinator, we also met the person at the Expo, then I started following her on Facebook, and I was obsessed, she makes beautiful cakes.  Before officially meeting, we had already talked on Facebook, she was great and then we tasted some of the flavors before we decided to go with here, although I was pretty sure it was going to be her. When we met her, she patiently heard our ideas and what we wanted, and told us what she could do to create a beautiful piece for us.  We have tasted a lot of flavors that she offers, the only problem now is choosing the flavors we want. She also has started her own design and decoration business, and after consulting with other 2 decorators we decided to go with her too and I am beyond happy with my choice.

What is left for us to do is to find invitations, the person that will marry us, my dress and the person that will do my hair and makeup.  Definitely we still have some important things left to do, and in my opinion the more fun and exciting of all.  The best of all is that we still have time.

If there is something I want you to learn from my wedding updates posts, if you are getting married, is to visit weddings expos, exhibitions and fairs, were you will be able to see and talk to different suppliers, plus take some ideas for what you will want for your wedding.  As you have read,  I have found all my suppliers from the Expo, it was a great experience and totally worth it.

I will love to know what is your favorite part of a wedding and also, what is something you think is essential in a wedding.  And most important, if you have any advise for wedding planning feel free to share it with me in the comments below.

Never stop dreaming,


S.O.S.- Study Over Sleep: Setting Goals

S.O.S.- Study Over Sleep: Setting Goals

It’s back to school season, and for students like me, this can be a big deal. Since classes have already started or are about to start for others, I wanted to share a tip to stay motivated and focused during the new school year and that is setting goals. I thought it will be easy to divide them in categories, to make them simple and to keep a better track of them. The important thing here is to make them realistic, doable and to not put to much pressure on yourself, just enough to bring out the best of you. 

     1. Long term

This one is the end result. It can be something you want to accomplish or have accomplished at the end of the semester or school year. Be specific and also write why you want to accomplish it.

     2. Short term 

This will be a goal that will help you accomplish your long term one or at least keep you on the right track or mind set to get to the end result you want. Again, be specific and write how doing it will help you.

     3. Right now 

This will be something you have to do often. Think of what you need to do constantly that will help you accomplish or remind you of your short and long term goals.
There has to be a short term and a right now goal for every long term goal you want to accomplish. They will be the map, or steps, you will have to follow to get to where you want to be.
To give you an idea I will share one of mines.
  1. Long term – Pass the comprehensive exam: Necessary to graduate from my Masters Degree and if I don’t pass it, it will set me back on other things I want to accomplish, like taking the exam for my professional license.
  2. Short term – Make a review of all the classes: It will help me to be organized and have everything I need to study.
  3. Right now – Study at least 4 times a week for 1 to 2 hours (break times not included).
Be sure to also plan a reward for accomplishing your goals, it can be anything from giving yourself free time, binge on Netflix for a day or buy your self something you really want. Be creative and make it fun.
My reward: finishing my masters in December and having a celebratory getaway weekend.
Another important tip, choose someone to share your goals with, someone responsible, who will make you accountable for them and who will be willing to give you a bit of motivation if you start lacking. Also, have your goals written out somewhere visible, this way you won’t forget them and you will keep them fresh in your mind.
If you are a student right know, what are you most looking forward to in this new school year? If not, what would you have done differently when you were studying? Leave me your comment bellow, I will love to know.
Never stop dreaming,