Fall Night Routine

This past week, that I had some free days before my classes start again, I decided I wanted to incorporate into my life a night routine.  I believe that having a night routine will help your mind recognize that the time to go to sleep is approaching, and it’s also a great way to treat yourself.  So, here I present to you my routine.

Hot Cup of Chai Tea

I have been obsessed with this Chai Tea, specially with milk (Latte) lately.  I love the the taste of spices, and I find it so perfect to drink in this Fall season.  I have been really enjoying it now that at night the weather gets a bit chilly.  I fill so relax drinking it, and that’s exactly the feeling I want before going to sleep.  In the morning I like drinking it cold, to calm down in my way to work.

Vanilla Lavender Candle

After my cup of tea is ready I go to my room and light this candle from Bath and Body Works.  My go to way to relax has always been thru good smelling things like candles and body products.  And this candle just set the perfect atmosphere to whine down.

Good Book

I am currently reading Adultery by Pablo Coelho, and so far I am enjoying it.  It’s an easy and light read.  It makes you think about your life, how you are living it and things you will do differently.  From my routine, this part is the one I am most looking forward to keeping even when I start my classes again,  I have a lot of books I want to read.  Plus, reading because I want to and not because I have to is very comforting.

After I am done reading, I go wash my cup and blow off my candle, before I turn my light off I spray this Pillow Mist on my bed and climb in it.  It smells so good.  I love the lavender scent, it’s not over powering, it gives your sheet that clean smell.  Who doesn’t love sleeping in recently clean sheets? But because that is not possible every day this is the second best.

After all that I am ready to sleep.  I am still trying to stop using electronics an hour before going to sleep, but I haven’t had much luck with that, I am kind of addicted to Facebook, but I am aware of it and I am trying to work on it.

I like having this little routine and now I want to start working on a morning routine.  That one is so difficult, I feel like I am always so tired in the morning, no matter how early I go to sleep.  I am always late and running around like crazy before I go to work,  My goal is to wake up and have enough time to eat breakfast at home and not in the car, and to not feel in a hurry every morning.  I’ll keep you guys posted with how it turns out.

Do you have a routine for your mornings or nights?  What is something that helps you get ready to sleep? Let me know in the comments below.  Also if you have any tips I could use for my still in process morning routine, I would appreciated.

Always dreaming,


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