I am back! (Hello 2018!)

Hi there!

I’ve been day dreaming about writing in the blog for a while know, but with so much happening I always put it a side. Today when the thought came I decide to just write.

The end of 2017 was kind of difficult, after Hurricane Maria passed trough Puerto Rico, a lot of things changed. I am so blessed everything was fine, no major material losses, and my family was safe, that is not something everyone can say, I am so grateful for it, but still everyday life has changed as we get used to what are new reality has been.

I never in my life thought that I will not have access for like a month to internet and other telecommunications. Of course I knew that we were going to spend some time without water and without electricity, and I did not imagine it will be for so long, but not being able to call, text and browse the internet for almost a month, and still to this day experiencing problems with it, is something that never crossed my mine. Those first days being completely without communication where hard, but then when I knew everything was ok and everyone was safe, that time without cellphone and internet was just what I need it for my personal growth.

I learned to not be so attached to my cellphone. I learned how to pass the days without going on social media, and I read a lot those days. I took advantage of not having classes for almost a month to read all I could and I loved it. Since then I have make reading a priority, and one of my goals for the year is to read everyday, even if its just one page, am still working on it.

With everything that has happen I have decided that life must be enjoyed to it’s full potential, do things you love, take risks to make your dreams and goals come true and to live without regrets. I decided 2018 is my year to make my dreams come true, working hard and being focused, with less procrastination and less spending time in social media and more reading time. Let’s do this 2018!

Never stop dreaming,


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