I moved! New place, new life!

January was amazing, a great way to start the year. I shared some big news in my last post, I recommend you go and check it out here.

So, as promised, I got another exciting news to share.

I moved to a apartment with Chanel (my cat) and Sachi (my dog)!

The first thing I cooked.

I can’t even tell you how long I have been dreaming about having my own place, and don’t get me wrong, I loved living with my mom, and she comes by all the time, but I wanted a place I could call my own, where I took the decisions and felt like a grown woman.

First dinner alone.

January 28, 2018, was my first night in the apartment, and I have been loving every moment of it. Also Chanel has been loving it, she loves the glass windows, and the new sofa, and she has been more affectionate and now lets me pet her for longer periods of time. In the other hand Sachi has had a harder time getting used to the space, but we got everything under control now. Now when I sit on my sofa I usually have Sachi on my lap and Chanel beside me, and I have to constantly pet them both, and that’s the perfect setting to binge watch Youtube videos, it’s perfect.

My little piece of cloud.

My beautiful comfy sofa.

I love the feeling of getting home after work or class, and have the space to myself, do things at my pace, seating down and relaxing. Doing ordinary things like cooking, cleaning and studying feel amazing in my own place.  I really have grown with this experience and this is just the beginning, I am sure I will learn a lot more.

Sachi approves the sofa.

Chanel loving the glass windows.

I still want to buy some furniture pieces to make it look more like a home, but for now it’s perfect as it is.

Never stop dreaming,


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