My Everyday Royal Makeup Routine

Hi there!

Today I want to share with you what has been my everyday makeup routine, which my coworkers wouldn’t consider makeup, but I do. I got inspired to share it with you after watching the Royal Wedding. I am a makeup lover, but watching the simple makeup look that Megan Markle wore, left me feeling good about what has become my daily makeup routine.

Source: People

Like I have talk in recent posts, this past couple of weeks have been intense, so I have swap my 10-15 minutes of doing my makeup for a bit more of sleep.

Not doing my makeup started as a way to have more time, but as the weeks have passed I have learn to love my skin just the way it is and also to take better care of it and now it doesn’t feel like a sacrifice, and I skip it because I enjoy my bare face. I know it may be strange for people who are used to see me with a full face of makeup to now see me with barely nothing on, but to me it feels refreshing

Of course that doesn’t mean I will stop using makeup, I still love doing my makeup, and I still enjoy catching up on youtube videos while doing it, is just that for now I will keep doing it in the weekends, when I feel I have more time.

So my makeup routine consists of me doing my brows and whichever shade of lipstick I feel like wearing and then I am ready for the day.

If you are a makeup lover like me, have you have periods of not wearing makeup? What do you think of Megan Markle’s wedding makeup? I will love to know your thoughts, so leave your comments below.

Never stop dreaming,
