Summer 2018 Bucket List

I love summer, I love the pretty sunny days, the good weather, the beach and the days spent outside doing fun stuff. So, today I want to share with you the things a want to do this Summer, apart from traveling (that is already booked, more on that later).

Throwback to a beautiful sunny day at Old San Juan by myself

Spend a day at Old San Juan

Old San Juan is my favorite city here in Puerto Rico and it has been a long time since I haven’t had a nice day exploring it. I want to fly a kite at El Morro, have ice cream at Sr. Paleta and just walk and explore.  It makes me happy just thinking about it.

Eat at Cheesecake Factory

In the list of things I want to do this year is to eat at Cheesecake Factory, and I think Summer is the perfect time for it. Can’t wait to have a nice dinner with Future Hubby and a delicious cheesecake for dessert.  If you have been to Cheesecake Factory, leave your recommendations of what I should get in the comments below.

See a movie at Fine Arts

I have always wanted to visit Fine Arts Cinema. Is a more “elegant” and “fancy” movie theater, where they show independent and international films. I made Future Hubby promise to take me there this Summer, I’ll let you know so keep an eye at my social media.

Have a date with Myself

I love having days to myself where I take my self out to have dinner and have fun, and I love it. I wrote a post about this, you can read it here, and of all the post I have written that one is my favorite. Knowing how to have fun by yourself is important, so I challenge you to take yourself on a date too.

Journal at least once a week

I enjoy writing, which is way I have this blog, but I am bad at keeping a journal. At the beginning of this year my goal was to journal every week, but somehow I stoped doing it. Now I want to start again, specially because I want to document all my Summer adventures and of course all the wedding planning process. I like journaling as a form of mindfulness meditation, where I write about anything that comes to mind, and I also use it as a tool to manifest and bring good and positive things to my life.

And there you have it, my Summer Bucket List. I can’t wait for July to come! Apart from July being my birth month and that I will be going on vacations with Future Hubby, I know that in this crazy busy year, that is the month I will have more free time, which means time to accomplish everything in my list. So July, please come already!

Let me know in the comments what are the things you want to do this Summer? Do you, like me, have a seasonal bucket list, or just one big bucket list? Tell me something you will be crossing of that list soon. Also, leave me recommendations of things I can do at my date with myself, I will love to read your ideas, since I don’t have anything planned.

Never stop dreaming,
