3rd Blogversary and Surprises!


Today I am celebrating 3 years of Dreaming Life in Pink and I couldn’t think of a better way to do it that with a brand new home for it (and another surprise at the end of the post). I can’t believe it has been 3 years already, and more than that, that after wanting to move to a .com, since I started the blog, it finally happened!

This new home for Dreaming Life in Pink has been a work in progress from a long time, reading, learning, planning, until finally I got here and I am super excited and proud of it. Of course besides my best friend Google, I have to thank Julissa from Sequins and Tulle that has always been there to answer my questions and help me when Google has left me all confuse, and Maria Elena from Ambinity, that even without knowing who I am has always been willing to answer my questions about blogging (or crystals).

This 3 years have been amazing, I have learned and grown so much. I have discover so much about my self and for me that has been the best part. I believe my writing has evolve in the past 3 years, and every time I publish a new post it makes me feel accomplished.

I am still a makeup addict, but since I’ve been learning so much about the human mind and the importance of a good mental health my priority has shifted a little bit into self care and mindfulness.  I love having my little place on the internet where I can write about all this things, I hope that you, who take your time to read my blog, can be benefit from it.

I feel like this 3 years are only the beginning, I still feel like I did the first time I hit publish, motivated and excited.  My goal is to create a space where people feel good about them selves, and where they know they can come for a good “pick me up” and also learn new things about makeup, self care or any other topic.

My goal in life is to help people, which is the reason I went into studying psychology, and I love that Dreaming Life in Pink has given me the opportunity to do that in one way or another.

But before you go, I have another surprise!

I am thankful for everyone who takes their time to read my blog, and that are celebrating with me this 3 years and the big move.  As a gift of appreciation I am giving away some of my Fall Essentials (I talked about them here). The winner will get a Leaves candle, my 2 favorite lipsticks for the season (or any season really), Ovaltine to make hot chocolate (or like me, cold milk chocolate) and a face mask, because that is always a necessity. For a chance to win all you have to do is subscribe with your email to the blog (from your phone the box is at the end of the post, from your computer is at the right side of the blog), plus follow my Instagram and like my Facebook page. That way you are participating for the giveaway while making sure to never miss new content and surprises.

The giveaway will be open until October 12, 2018, and is for Puerto Rico and US residents. The winner will be contacted via email, the person will have 24 horas to respond to the email, if no contact is made  another winner will be selected. The winner will be announced in this post and in my social media stories.

Thank you for reading me and following Dreaming Life in Pink.

Never stop dreaming,

20 thoughts on “3rd Blogversary and Surprises!

  1. Awesome! Happy 3rd Year of Dreaming Life in Pink. Que sean muchos más. Te Amo Mucho, Mi Reina.

    Estamos de fiesta. I’m so proud of you.

  2. Esooooo!!! Happy blogday!!! Me encanta. Mucho éxito en este nuevo espacio. Que sean muchos años más leyendo buenos articulos.

  3. Happy anniversary!! My blog will be 5 in October! Its so exciting and finally you have a .com! Its great to see you grown and create great content. Hope to collab again soon.

    1. 5 years! That’s exciting!! Thank you for your support always. And yes, we have to work on a collaboration soon.

  4. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished. Reading your blog is ohh so much fun. I hope you can always do what makes you happy. “Happy .com ing”. Three years and counting…Te quiero!

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