New Year, New Dreams.

It’s the first Monday of 2019 and I wanted to come here to wish everyone a very Happy New Year, one that is filled with love, lots of learning, fun adventures and one where you work to make your dreams come true. I have decided to go back to when I started the blog and post on Mondays, to start the week checking off my weekly goals, and here I am for the first one of 2019.

So, talking about goals, I want to share with you my goals for the new year. I don’t want to call them new years resolutions, because I feel that the frase has a negative vibe to it, more often that not, we set pretty high resolutions on new years that we don’t accomplish. My action plan this year is to work on simple things that I know will bring big results in my life.

First of all, my theme for this year is Personal Development, and I planned my goals around that. My mantra is “I can accomplish everything I want”. “I want” being the most important part on that frase. I want to focus on things that bring me purpose and joy, which means I don’t want to do things because society or whoever else says I must do it. This year my top priority is me.

So here are my goals for the year:

  • Wake up early (at 4:30 am) to have a relaxing morning routine before starting my day.
  • Read everyday, in the morning and at night.
  • Journal everyday, at least one page.
  • Practice Mindfulness Meditation everyday.
  • Do something to be physically active at least 6 days a week (this can be a fun workout video, go for a walk, play just dance or have a solo dance party).

My goals are things I want to do everyday and I believe that is the key to creating habits. When you are consistent, and do things regularly chances are that you will keep doing it because it has become part of your everyday life. This is specially true if the things you want to incorporate in your life bring you joy and you do them because you truly want to, not because you feel you have to. For example I want to be active, and I don’t like using the word exercise because I don’t like exercising, but I do like other things that can equally make me move my body and break a sweat while being fun.

I hope this inspires you on setting simple goals that will help you have a better life. Most importantly, I hope it inspires you to stay true to yourself, and bring things to your life that will filled it with joy. I am a true believer that life is meant to be enjoyed, to do things you like, to feel good and feel free.

Share with me on the comments below what are your goals for the new year, if you have a personal mantra and also what you thought of this post. Can’t wait to read them.

Never stop dreaming,

6 thoughts on “New Year, New Dreams.

    1. G-D bless & give you strength, persistence to accomplish your goals. Be Resolute daily in your pursuit of them & best if luck. Love you Steph, you can do it Juleny!

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