Happy Birthday Dreaming Life in Pink!


A couple of days ago I was looking at my phone calendar and saw an event for September 28, and it was the anniversary of the first post I published on Dreaming Life in Pink, back when I was writing on Blogspot, so Happy Birthday Dreaming Life in Pink! This got me reminiscing of my life in the past 7 years and realizing that I miss having this space. I always have the blog on my mind and I am always thinking of going back to writing and posting (because I have written a couple of things in the past, but never published them), and what better moment than the present.

When I started Dreaming Life in Pink I had an office job and was taking a couple of classes to be able to start my masters on Counseling Psychology, and I still remember where I was sitting at the university when I hit published on that first post, I was so excited. Back then the blog was mostly about makeup with a little bit of lifestyle content. Later on my masters I learned about Mindfulness and I fell in love with it (until this day) and started incorporating that into the blog. I’ve had phases of writing in English and Spanish, but I feel much more comfortable writing in English, it has always been my go to language when journaling or making notes. Now, 7 years later and I am a licensed psychologist, although right now I am a stay at home wife and loving it, and I recently went to a concert without a single drop of makeup on. That last one is shocking I know, I still love makeup, is just that in the last 2 years with everything happening and using face masks I hadn’t used my makeup and since it was old and I was moving, I got rid of almost all my makeup (I was left with one eye shadow palette).

Life Update

Yes, I moved, again. In the years since having the blog I had moved 3 times (and I have grown and learn a lot in each one), but nothing compares to this fourth move. I had moved to different houses, but in my same hometown, were I have lived most of my life, a place I know and feel comfortable in and were I had all my family and friends close. But for this move I had to take a 6 hour plane ride and had to sell most of our things and I left behind a lot (including my 2 phone chargers and my wedding ring, but they are safe), It has been wild. The best part of it is that I am now living in the city I was born in, and I am looking forward to explore and get to know it. My husband and I had talked in the past of the possibility of moving, however, it was never in a serious matter. Nonetheless, this opportunity fell in our laps and we decided that it was better to take the chance and see what comes of it, than to later wonder what could’ve had happen.

So here I am, sitting in our new home, excited for the adventures ahead in this new place and in this new phase of the blog, and I hope to have you along for the ride.

With love,

5 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Dreaming Life in Pink!

  1. Yeeesss!! Happy Blogversary. Im so happy to read you again and looking forward to what’s going to share with us.

  2. I loved reading you! I think is because, even that we constantly communicate, I am missing you so much. Thanks for been such a good example in following your dreams!

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