My week: Future Psychologist and Amelia’s First Birthday

Last week was a roller coaster of emotions and I want to share it with you.

To start the story from the begging, this semester I was taking 3 classes that were requirements for a Masters Degree in Psychological Counseling.  I applied to start my Masters now in January, but in mid December I received a letter that said I didn’t meet the requirements to be accepted to the program. I was devastated, and the worst part was that they will be on a vacation break starting the next day after I received the letter.  I spent my Holidays worrying about it and been very defensive every time someone asked about it, I didn’t want to tell everyone about the letter, so I avoided taking about the issue, I had faith that it will work out, but still, I was freaking out silently. 
Fast forward to last week, the University vacation break ended on Monday 11, and that same day I went to see what I could do about the situation. I went to the Department and it turned out that the problem was that the results of the EXADEP (exam required for grad school) was late, and at the time of the letter didn’t have the results. The secretary was awesome with me, she went and talk to the Dean, and she accepted to interview me, and that was the moment that I felt that I was going to passed out.  I had to do a one page essay and then the interview with the Dean, I was not mentally prepared for all of that. I was so nervous, but I tried to keep my mind positive, assuring  my self that I was capable of doing does things and thinking that if that didn’t turnout  as I wanted, there will be a great reason behind it all. But after all the stress and nervousness, I was accepted to the program that same day! Oh, what a happy moment! 
Moral of the story, fight for what you want and try to always have a positive mind set. 
My big smile after I was told I was accepted.

Another great moment this week was Amelia Marina’s first birthday! (You can read more about Amelia here.) I can’t believe it’s been a year already, but what a year. She’s been such a blessing in our lives.  She is such a happy baby it’s impossible not to lover her. She had so much fun in her birthday party, it was great watching her having a great time and being so happy.  I love you Hermosurita de Titi! Hoping there will be lots of happy birthdays to celebrate together.

Never stop dreaming and enjoying life.


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