How to Make Waking Up Early Enjoyable (My Morning Routine)

Surprise! Todays post is in collaboration with my BFF María (and one of my Maids of Honor), that now has her own blog. Go check out Mi Arro’ con Pollo… Sin Huesos, to see what her morning routine consists off.

Let me start by saying that I do not consider myself a morning person, but I have really been enjoying taking time to have my morning routine, to do things I like and that make me feel good. One of my mantras is that life is meant to be enjoyed, and having this routine makes me enjoy my day I little bit more.

My goal each morning is to wake up at 4:25 am, some mornings are harder than others, and some I don’t get up, but when the alarm goes off I try to remind myself that I do this because I enjoy it and it will make me feel good. I like having this relaxing moment for myself.

The first thing I do is turn on the lights and splash water on my face. After I finish doing everything I have to do in bathroom I make my bed, because I love getting home to a made bed. And after that I am off to the kitchen.

I love feeding my daughters in the morning. They always have dry food and water during the day, but in the mornings I give them wet food, and those girls love it, specially Chanel, the cat. This is the moment of the day when I have their full attention and they give me lots of love, more than any other moment of the day.

Currently reading: Las mujeres inteligentes siempre consiguen lo que quieren

I proceed to drink a bottle of water, that I take out of the fridge before going to the bathroom, so that it isn’t to cold when I drink it, is important to hydrate the body after all those hours sleeping. And now is when the fun part begins. I take my comfy side of the couch and read for ten minutes. I like reading self help and development books in the morning. They motivate me and give an extra dose of energy for the day. After that comes my 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation. I call Sachi, the dog, because having her in my lap assures me I will have 10 minutes of silence and calm.

Mornings are my favorite time of the day to meditate, the temperature is nice, the street is quite and I am not fighting to not fall a sleep. The way I like to practice meditation is seating comfortably and concentrating in my breath, recognize the thoughts that come, letting them go and trying hard to no react to them (you can read how mindfulness has help me here). After this peaceful 10 minutes, I take a moment to practice gratefulness for all I have and for all that surrounds me, and that is like the cherry on top, it lifts my spirit and leaves me feeling extra good.

Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Energy Body Wash is new in my morning showers and I love it.

Then my mindfulness meditation continues in the shower. I try to be present and aware of everything that is happening and of my senses. Showers have always been relaxing to me, but practicing mindfulness has take them to another level, I wake up looking forward to this moment.  Morning showers make me feel fresh and ready to take on the day.

My favorite youtuber right now is Kalyn Nicholson 

After that I start getting ready and then comes another favorite moment. Makeup. Since I am addicted to watching youtube videos, but don’t have much time for it during the day, I do it while I am doing my makeup.  If I am not watching makeup tutorials, I will watch self development videos, my favorite topics are mindfulness, law of attraction, and any other topic that I think will help me grow and learn.

Loving this podcast, Un Aguacate a la Vez

The last part of my morning routine is in the car. I love hearing to audio books when I am in the car, but since last year I have been really into podcasts. I mostly hear self development podcasts or psychology related podcasts, and I have added them to my morning routine to start the work day extra motivated and with a bit more of knowledge.

During my morning routine I try hard to not go on social media. It’s me time and going on Facebook, Instagram or checking my email can wait.

I love having this morning routine and I recommend to everyone I can to do the same. Find out things that make you feel good, and incorporate them little by little to your mornings. Having a relaxing moment for your self helps you start the day right, with a good mindset, good intentions and with a strong spirit.  I think that is the best way to start the day, don’t you?

Do you have a morning routine? If so, what is your favorite part? If not, do you think you will be incorporating one to your mornings? I will love to know, so comment below.

Never stop dreaming,
