The Podcasts You Must Listen To

Hi there!

Did you check this week’s bonus post, I shared with you how to make waking up early enjoyable, go check it out here.

In that post I mentioned that part of my morning routine is listening to a podcast while I am in the car, so today I want to share my favorite podcasts with you.

I have to start from the beginning. I want to mention the first 2 podcasts I ever listen to, College Info Geek and Girlboss Radio.

I heard Girlboss by Sofia Amoruso on Audible and loved it, and then I learned there was a podcast and I was hooked. The podcast consists of Sofia interviewing other girl bosses in different businesses and areas. Is a fun and easy listen to. If you are into the girl power movement go check it out, I am sure you have heard of at least one of the women she has interview.

College Info Geek is the first podcast I ever listen to. I discovered it because when I was about to start taking the classes I needed to apply to the masters degree back in summer 2015, I was obsessed with everything college and study related, and I came across Thomas Franks videos on YouTube and I used to binge watch his videos, and when I learned about the podcast, if I wasn’t watching his videos I was listening to his podcast. So, if you are interested in topics related to learning this one is for you. (One of the first conversations I had with Future Hubby was about Thomas Frank’s videos, imagine  how obsessed I was, the great thing was that he also watched his videos and I encourage him to also listen to the podcast, which he did.)

Continuing with that I was obsessed with college related topics, comes that I also was obsessed with psychology. Since my bachelors major wasn’t anything related to psychology I felt (and still feel) I was in a disadvantage, so I wanted to get used to the terminology and learn new things so I made a search on the iPhone’s Podcast App. I’m just going to mention the ones I found and liked the best. If you want to know more about it don’t be shy and ask me on the comments.

The Psych Files Podcast

The Psychology Podcast

Speaking of Psychology

Psych Sessions (they ended the show in December 2017, but it was good)

In January 2016 I started learning about Mindfulness and became very interested in the topic. And recently it has been about the law of attraction, visualization, and any other topic about learning, self development and personal growth. I want to mention some of my favorites.

The Mindful Kind – They are short and to the point, she has great advice if you want to start practicing Mindfulness.

The Lively Show – She talks mostly about the law of attraction. I haven’t heard all the episodes, there’s a lot and sometimes I get a bit lost because I don’t understand what she is talking about, but still I really like it.  It gets me thinking and helps me learn new things. I just search thru them and find something that I think is interesting and listen to it.

The Jessica Harlow Podcast – She is one of the first youtubers I ever saw, and with whom I learned how to curl my hair with a curling iron, and now she has a podcast. Is mostly about self development and she also talks about the law of attraction. She is funny and is not afraid to speak her mind. This is another one that is easy to listen.

The Healing Her Podcast – This one is wellness and self development. Abby interviews women who have or are struggling with something in life and how they have “heal” themselves and gotten thru tough times in life. I have been really enjoying it. It gives you a better perspective in life and it’s also a great way to learn how to handle difficult times.

These last ones I want to share today are the best ones! Definitely your dose of girl power, and the best part, these girls are Puerto Ricans! Island pride!

Un Aguacate a la Vez – Love this girls! Every time I listen to them I laugh for most of the episode, and they are about an hour long, for me that is a workout. The podcast is relatively new, but you have to listen to them. They talk about different topics all around wellness and self development. They are real, funny, they speak their mind without a care in the world, and I admire that. Plus I have contacted them a couple of times when I have a question or want more info and they are always willing to help, and they are really friendly. #brujitadecloset

Puestas Pal Problema – I am always out of date with news, I don’t read the newspaper, don’t spend to much time on social media and I don’t even have a tv in my apartment, and this girls keep me up to date with what is happening in the island. They talk mostly about politics, but is fun and easy to understand. These girls also, are not afraid to speak their minds. Go listen, and also listen to there males counterparts, Puestos Pal Problema.

This was a long post, but these were all podcast I had to mention. Have you listen to any of these podcasts? Do you have a favorite I didn’t mention? I am always looking for something new to hear, so if you have any recommendation please let me know.

Never stop dreaming,


One thought on “The Podcasts You Must Listen To

  1. De verdad muy interesante y gracias por esa información,pienso que es de provechoso el poder escuchar mensajes positivos y más en este momento por el que estamos pasando en Puerto Rico,de verdad refrescante y el poder salir de una rutina que nos agobia…gracias😊

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