How to Have Enough Time

How to Have Enough Time

I am guilty of saying I don’t have time to do things, but the truth is that some how I always find myself scrolling mindlessly on social media, specially pinterest. So the question is, do I really not have time, or do I don’t make time for “better” or more important things? Surely the correct answer is the last one. I will like to believe that I am not the only one suffering of this, please tell me I am not. Recently I have started exploring how to minimize my I don’t have time dilemma, working with my time management, trying to be more productive, and on making me feel like I am making the most of time. That is why I want to share with you, what so far I have identified as helpful in the manner. I hope it can help you too.

Make a master list

In this master list you are going to write down everything you have to do and everything you want to do. Maybe is super long, or not, but this is the first step. You can organize it by categories if you want to be extra organize. And every time something comes to mind write it down on your master list.

Set priorities

So you have the super list, now is time to prioritize. Make another list with the most important things you have or want to do. After you have the most important things, add numbers to each item, 1 being the most important. This one I do recommend you section in Have To Do and Want To Do.

Simple things list

This list is of things that you necessarily don’t have to do, but want to, or that you always putt off doing. This things don’t take too much time or energy to do or are not a big deal if you don’t do them right away. Think of them as a filler for your day, and that way you are less tempted to spend precious time scrolling on social media (yes, that is what I tell myself).

Plan your day

Now that you have all your lists is time to plan your days. Find the and place for planning that works best for you. Maybe you can plan the entire week on one day, or maybe you can do it everyday. Right now the way I am doing it is that as part of my night routine I plan the next day. My list consists of 3 lists with a maximum of 3 items each. I do it this way so that I don’t feel overwhelm, I have more chances of completing everything on my list and I feel motivated to keep doing it.

Maintain a positive self talk

This last thing is the most important. To keep yourself motivated, find the time and energy to do this things you have and/or want to do, you have to keep a positive attitude. Work on taking off your vocabulary the phrase “I don’t have time” and try to change for something positive. For example on my desk at work I have a post it note with the phrase “El tiempo me da y me sobra”, which means something like “ I have plenty of time”. If at the end of the day you couldn’t complete everything you planned to do, don’t be hard on yourself, there is always another day. Make sure you enjoy the process and enjoy your time.

I hope this post can be helpful on your life and on your day to day. I think we always day dream about doing a lot of things and at the end of the day we don’t do it. But with this I want to motivate you and give you a plan on how you can change that, take control of your time and be productive.

What do you think of the method I shared with you? Do you think this could be something helpful? What do you do to accomplish your daily tasks? Do you organize your day? I will love to know, so be sure to leave me your comments below. Also don’t forget to subscribe to the blog.

Never stop dreaming,

End of Year Goals

End of Year Goals

We are in the last quarter of the year and I am sure I am not the only one who thinks that this year has flown by fast. We usually wait ‘till the start of the year to make a list of goals or resolutions for the new year. But since I believe we can make any day or moment of the year a fresh start, I propose we think of a couple of things or goals we want to do or accomplish next year and start working on them now.

It’s not very productive to do a long list of new year resolutions to start working on in January 1st. I bet there are things on the list you made (physical or mentally) for this year that maybe you started doing and then stopped or things you never did. So here is my plan, pick 3 things you want to add to your daily routine in this last 3 months of the year, and let’s finish 2018 strong!

I have a very handy and easy method to create goals and accomplish them that you can read here (go read it, it will be super helpful). But the short version of it is to make a plan on how you are going to work on accomplishing that goal or task.

First. I want you to pick 3 things, they can be related or not, because I want you to concentrate in one each month. This is specially helpful if you are working on habits. That way you don’t feel overwhelmed trying or doing a lot of new things at once and you can give each one all your attention.

Second. Identify how to keep track of you progress. You can use a pen and paper, your notes app on your phone, an app like Streaks or an Excel document (like me) to mark off every time you do or work on that specific task or goal.

These are my goals:
October – Wakeup at 4:30 am everyday to read and meditate. I used to do this for a couple of months at the beginning of the year, but then summer vacations came and I stop. It’s something I want to incorporate again to my morning routine and bring it to the new year.

November – Journal every day. I stopped writing in a journal and I don’t even know why. So, my goal for this month is to keep a daily gratitude journal (very fitting for this month) Something sweet and short to get back to it.

December – Eat a homemade, somewhat healthy breakfast every morning. I usually have hard boiled eggs with cheese during my weekdays, it’s easy and kind of fast to do, but there are times I get lazy, and my breakfasts are pop tarts or sugary cereals (sadly they have become a very regular thing). Since the holidays in Puerto Rico are not very healthy, I want to at least make sure I have a good, homemade breakfast every morning, to start my day right.

This monthly goals are things I will work for that month but continue the next month. They are things I want to add to my daily routine starting now and for the next year. These are all things I enjoy doing, but for some reason or another I stopped doing. I say this, because is important that you work on things you like and that make you feel good and that way it will be easier to accomplish them.

Do you already have your monthly goals for what is left of 2018? Will you be working on your habits before the new year? How do you plan keep track of your goals? If you have any question or suggestion be sure to leave me your comment below, I love reading them.

Ps. The giveaway is open until tomorrow, Friday, October 12, in the evening, if you haven’t enter go here to learn how.

Never stop dreaming,