My Summer 2018 Favorites

My Summer 2018 Favorites

I have always love summer, even though my favorite season is fall. I love the sunny days, the beach, the pools, the vacations, the bbqs and the family days. This year I have been enjoying the free time, the less worries and anything that will help me cool off in the horrible sauna that is my apartment. I decided to share with you my summer 2018 favorites.


Summer means having more free time and believe me when I say I have been taking advantage of it. I finished The Vampire Diaries, which I was really behind with, and cried long and hard with the ending. After crying so much with those vampires I was ready for something light and uplifting, so I follow the recommendations of María Elena and Silvia from the podcast Un aguacate a la vez (that I talk about here) and started watching Queer Eye, and I love it! If you don’t know what it is, is a series about 5 gay guys where in each episode they give a makeover to someone, and I love that they take everything into consideration, fashion, grooming, nutrition, living space and culture. I love their personalities, they are all different with different stories, and you will surely identify with at least one of them. There are only two seasons, and I encourage you to watch it, it’s really good.

Fresh Fruits

The best to deal with the horrible heat at my apartment has been eating fresh cold fruits. They are refreshing, they taste good, plus they are a healthy option. Right know my favorites have been pineapple and cherries, but I also like strawberries, green grapes and plums. Another way to cool down with fruits is to do smoothies. I prefer using frozen fruits like mixed berries, I add a little bit of water, the juice of a lemon and a little bit of brown sugar, and you have a smoothie. With the smoothie you can even do popsicles that are perfect for a frozen treat.

Relaxing Weekends

Being able to sleep until I want to during the weekends, and enjoy my mornings in bed has been priceless. Not having to work on Saturdays and not worrying about school stuff has been the best, definitely my favorite of favorites. Just for this reason I don’t want the summer to end.

Sheet Masks

I’m in with everything refreshing and cooling, and sheet mask are a great way to cool off while taking care of your skin. I find applying a sheet mask before going to sleep very relaxing. I program an alarm for 20-30 minutes and I go to bed. I will usually read, but it always ends with me falling a sleep, so when the alarm goes off I take off the mask, I apply my night moisturizers and creams as fast as I can and continue sleeping feeling hydrated and refreshed.

Becca Bronzer

I bought this product (along with others that you can see here) as my end of semester gift for myself. This product has been my most worn this summer, paired with my Nars Casino Bronzer and on its own. I love grabbing for it when I am in a hurry. I apply the darker shades as my bronzer/blush and the lighter shade as my highlighter. That, plus a little bit of mascara and a lipstick and I am ready to go. It gives a very natural bronze look that I find perfect for the summer, but that of course will use all year round.

I will love to know what has been your summer favorites and your favorite ways to cool off during this hot weather. Leave your comments below.

Never stop dreaming,


What Living Alone Has Taught Me

What Living Alone Has Taught Me

First selfie at 29 years old.
I have always wanted in one way or another to be independent. When I was in Middle school I dreamed about being able to drive and have my own car. When I had the car I was dreaming about having my own place. Now it has been 6 months since I moved to my apartment, alone, and I have love every moment of it.
I believe this is a part of life everyone should experience in their youth. I feel like I have learned a lot about me and about “adult” life, some positive and some not so positive, but all lessons. I want to share what I consider are the most important.

Stay on top of things

Living alone is just you and yourself, there is no one there reminding you to do things, to keep everything organized or to take care of you. There are small things that can help you feel great, enjoy the moment, and make life easy and less stressful. For example: keep everything tidy, so that you always feel good when you get home; have fast and easy recipes that you can make for yourself, even if you are tired; and set reminders to pay your bills, so that you don’t forget. Do little things like this, that you know will help you feel good.

Self care should always be a priority

It’s easy when you live alone to get home, and don’t do anything, and let the hours pass scrolling on social media, and that is not good. Yes, you could say you are relaxing, but there are better ways to give your self a little bit of love, relax and to give your body some rest. Apart from staying on top of things, have a self care routine, at least a couple of days every month. For a few hours pamper yourself and spend a little bit of time on a hobby or activity that you like and usually don’t have the time to do. I try to have a pampering night routine every week, were I like to read or watch a tv show, but you could paint, write, even take a nap, or do anything else you like and enjoy the moment.

Work hard, but don’t forget to have fun

Now I am enjoying the summer, but from January to May it was hard balancing work and school, and I was getting super stressed, I always was on hard work and productive mode that half way thru the semester my body was not happy with me. This is my most important lesson, be responsible, organized and set a time to have fun during the week. The most important part of it is to enjoy it and don’t feel guilty of the little time you are taking to concentrate on other things. During this time don’t think of the things you have to do, just enjoy it. Be smart about it, which is way I said be responsable and organized, you know what you have to do, so be diligent with your time and everything will be good.
Living alone has definitely made me more independent, has made me feel more confident, comfortable and in control. I am a strong believer that life is meant to be enjoyed and is our duty to live life to the fullest, while we are still accomplishing our goals and responsibilities, and taking care of our selves and our space. Enjoy where you are at life right now and make the most of it.
What lessons the “adult life” has taught you? Leave me a comment, I will love to know, I am still learning and getting the hang of it.
Never stop dreaming,
Summer 2018 Bucket List

Summer 2018 Bucket List

I love summer, I love the pretty sunny days, the good weather, the beach and the days spent outside doing fun stuff. So, today I want to share with you the things a want to do this Summer, apart from traveling (that is already booked, more on that later).

Throwback to a beautiful sunny day at Old San Juan by myself

Spend a day at Old San Juan

Old San Juan is my favorite city here in Puerto Rico and it has been a long time since I haven’t had a nice day exploring it. I want to fly a kite at El Morro, have ice cream at Sr. Paleta and just walk and explore.  It makes me happy just thinking about it.

Eat at Cheesecake Factory

In the list of things I want to do this year is to eat at Cheesecake Factory, and I think Summer is the perfect time for it. Can’t wait to have a nice dinner with Future Hubby and a delicious cheesecake for dessert.  If you have been to Cheesecake Factory, leave your recommendations of what I should get in the comments below.

See a movie at Fine Arts

I have always wanted to visit Fine Arts Cinema. Is a more “elegant” and “fancy” movie theater, where they show independent and international films. I made Future Hubby promise to take me there this Summer, I’ll let you know so keep an eye at my social media.

Have a date with Myself

I love having days to myself where I take my self out to have dinner and have fun, and I love it. I wrote a post about this, you can read it here, and of all the post I have written that one is my favorite. Knowing how to have fun by yourself is important, so I challenge you to take yourself on a date too.

Journal at least once a week

I enjoy writing, which is way I have this blog, but I am bad at keeping a journal. At the beginning of this year my goal was to journal every week, but somehow I stoped doing it. Now I want to start again, specially because I want to document all my Summer adventures and of course all the wedding planning process. I like journaling as a form of mindfulness meditation, where I write about anything that comes to mind, and I also use it as a tool to manifest and bring good and positive things to my life.

And there you have it, my Summer Bucket List. I can’t wait for July to come! Apart from July being my birth month and that I will be going on vacations with Future Hubby, I know that in this crazy busy year, that is the month I will have more free time, which means time to accomplish everything in my list. So July, please come already!

Let me know in the comments what are the things you want to do this Summer? Do you, like me, have a seasonal bucket list, or just one big bucket list? Tell me something you will be crossing of that list soon. Also, leave me recommendations of things I can do at my date with myself, I will love to read your ideas, since I don’t have anything planned.

Never stop dreaming,

My Pampering Night Routine

My Pampering Night Routine

If you are a normal person, chances are your days are busy. We often forget to take time to relax, to enjoy and pamper ourselves. This should be important, taking care of ourselves should be a priority. I used to feel guilty of taking time to relax, but I have learn that it does more harm than good. Feeling calm and refreshed will help you be more productive and focused, and at night it will help you have a better night sleep.

Today I want to share with you my special pampering night routine. I do this the nights I need to recharge my batteries and give myself some extra love, and I wish I could do it more often. I hope this post inspires you to do the same and create your own special routine.

Face Mask

What is a pampering night routine without a face mask? Since lately I am not wearing to much makeup (you can read about it here) I want to take better care of my skin. I really like face masks, but living days in a hurry has made it difficult to take the time to do them. I try to do this routine at least twice a month, but the ultimate goal is to do it weekly. Lately I have been enjoying this face mask by GLAMGLOW it leaves my skin feeling fresh and extra clean.

Lemon Water

I love ice cold lemon water. I don’t have problems taking my daily intake of water, but when I want to feel extra fancy I add lemons, and it makes it tasty yummy and it looks pretty. I don’t know why but lemon water in a mason jar makes me happy, so why not make it part of a pampering night routine, right?

TV Series – Nashville

Because I was born in San Antonio, Texas, I have a strong believe that there is some “country” in me, which is the reason for my love of country music. When the series first came out I loved it, but I am very bad at keeping up with series just watching once a week, so recently I have been catching up in Hulu. This is the perfect time to enjoy yourself while you enjoy your favorite series or movie. *I will love to have new recommendations, let me know your favorite series or movie in the comment section below.*


Ok, ok! You already know how much I like my showers (I have talk about them here and here and a couple of other posts, I am sure). But taking time to have a relaxing, not in a hurry shower, with your favorite products and really be present in the moment is truly magical. This is one of my favorite ways to practice mindfulness. Of all the things in this post if you only can do one, this is it, trust me.

Read and No Technology

Even if I wanted, I don’t have much time before going to sleep, but reading something light, like this Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (which is a good read for anytime of the day, inspiring stores of strong and awesome females, yes please!), and avoiding technology while in bed helps me fall a sleep faster. If you make it a nightly habit, your body will know that when you go to bed and take your night time reading book, that is time to sleep. But specially avoiding technology at least 30 minutes before going to bed will help you have a better night sleep. So even once in a while, when you are having a hard and stressful day implement this to your night routine. Another tip is to incorporate 5 minutes (or until you fall a sleep) of mindfulness meditation in bed when you are ready to sleep, will help you calm your busy mind.

Going to Bed Early

This is the best part of my special pampering routine. Going to bed early is something I want to do everyday and almost never do. Making it part of this routine helps me to accomplish this at least a couple of times a month.

There you have it, my special night routine. I hope this post has inspired you to take a bit of time for yourself, to help you recharge and refresh your mind and body.

Do you have a night routine? What would you add to the things I mentioned? I will love to know your thoughts, so leave me a comment below.

Never stop dreaming,

Dreaming of Wedding: Planning Update

Dreaming of Wedding: Planning Update

Recently Engaged Girl coming to you from Dreaming Life in Pink Headquarters (aka, my living room). Today I want to share with you how the wedding planning is coming along.

Future Hubby and I had been talking about wedding months before he officially pop the question (read about it here), so we already had on mind the date, and the place we wanted the wedding to be. Funny enough, the day he proposed was the day we had set to go see the venue, and I was extremely happy to do it officially engaged.

So just like that, the day we got engaged we also booked our venue. The place works perfect for us, as it is in middle for both our families, plus it is the place I had always dreamed of. I have been telling everyone for more than 10 years that I will get married there and now I will, just imagine how over the moon I am.

We will have the ceremony and reception in the same venue, but the ceremony will be outdoors, surrounded by nature. We are still not sure at what time in the evening to have the ceremony since it will be summer and we don’t want our guest to die of a heat stroke in the puerto rican summer sun. And the reception will be indoors.

We found our photographers at the Bridal Expo we went (you can read about it here). One the first day we went to their booth and so many more, and liked their work. Talking that night after the event I couldn’t remember them, I had so many business cards and brochures that I couldn’t identify them. Thanks to Maria, one of my Maids of Honor that went to the event with us, and Future Hubby, we found the booth the next day, we saw their work again and took another business card and made a note to remember them.

A month later we meet at a mall, saw their work, yet again and talk and ask all the questions we could think off. The meeting ended and as we were walking away, talking, we decided that we really wanted them, they are a couple who works together, so we get two photographers, the price was right for us, and they seem really nice. Lucky for us, they were still at the table, and we signed the contract!

Recently we also signed the contract for the band that will be playing at the reception. Them too we saw at the expo. Live music was a must for me, and Future Hubby wanted a band that will play a variety of songs in Spanish and English. We liked the way they sounded, they play all kinds of music, so weeks after the Expo we went and signed the contract.

We haven’t been doing a lot of things of the wedding as we will like to, with working 4 days, taking classes and going to my college practice center 2 days I don’t have much time. Our goal is to be on full Wedding Planning Mode on the month of June. So I hope I can come to you with another wedding planning update soon.

Never stop dreaming,


The Podcasts You Must Listen To

Hi there!

Did you check this week’s bonus post, I shared with you how to make waking up early enjoyable, go check it out here.

In that post I mentioned that part of my morning routine is listening to a podcast while I am in the car, so today I want to share my favorite podcasts with you.

I have to start from the beginning. I want to mention the first 2 podcasts I ever listen to, College Info Geek and Girlboss Radio.

I heard Girlboss by Sofia Amoruso on Audible and loved it, and then I learned there was a podcast and I was hooked. The podcast consists of Sofia interviewing other girl bosses in different businesses and areas. Is a fun and easy listen to. If you are into the girl power movement go check it out, I am sure you have heard of at least one of the women she has interview.

College Info Geek is the first podcast I ever listen to. I discovered it because when I was about to start taking the classes I needed to apply to the masters degree back in summer 2015, I was obsessed with everything college and study related, and I came across Thomas Franks videos on YouTube and I used to binge watch his videos, and when I learned about the podcast, if I wasn’t watching his videos I was listening to his podcast. So, if you are interested in topics related to learning this one is for you. (One of the first conversations I had with Future Hubby was about Thomas Frank’s videos, imagine  how obsessed I was, the great thing was that he also watched his videos and I encourage him to also listen to the podcast, which he did.)

Continuing with that I was obsessed with college related topics, comes that I also was obsessed with psychology. Since my bachelors major wasn’t anything related to psychology I felt (and still feel) I was in a disadvantage, so I wanted to get used to the terminology and learn new things so I made a search on the iPhone’s Podcast App. I’m just going to mention the ones I found and liked the best. If you want to know more about it don’t be shy and ask me on the comments.

The Psych Files Podcast

The Psychology Podcast

Speaking of Psychology

Psych Sessions (they ended the show in December 2017, but it was good)

In January 2016 I started learning about Mindfulness and became very interested in the topic. And recently it has been about the law of attraction, visualization, and any other topic about learning, self development and personal growth. I want to mention some of my favorites.

The Mindful Kind – They are short and to the point, she has great advice if you want to start practicing Mindfulness.

The Lively Show – She talks mostly about the law of attraction. I haven’t heard all the episodes, there’s a lot and sometimes I get a bit lost because I don’t understand what she is talking about, but still I really like it.  It gets me thinking and helps me learn new things. I just search thru them and find something that I think is interesting and listen to it.

The Jessica Harlow Podcast – She is one of the first youtubers I ever saw, and with whom I learned how to curl my hair with a curling iron, and now she has a podcast. Is mostly about self development and she also talks about the law of attraction. She is funny and is not afraid to speak her mind. This is another one that is easy to listen.

The Healing Her Podcast – This one is wellness and self development. Abby interviews women who have or are struggling with something in life and how they have “heal” themselves and gotten thru tough times in life. I have been really enjoying it. It gives you a better perspective in life and it’s also a great way to learn how to handle difficult times.

These last ones I want to share today are the best ones! Definitely your dose of girl power, and the best part, these girls are Puerto Ricans! Island pride!

Un Aguacate a la Vez – Love this girls! Every time I listen to them I laugh for most of the episode, and they are about an hour long, for me that is a workout. The podcast is relatively new, but you have to listen to them. They talk about different topics all around wellness and self development. They are real, funny, they speak their mind without a care in the world, and I admire that. Plus I have contacted them a couple of times when I have a question or want more info and they are always willing to help, and they are really friendly. #brujitadecloset

Puestas Pal Problema – I am always out of date with news, I don’t read the newspaper, don’t spend to much time on social media and I don’t even have a tv in my apartment, and this girls keep me up to date with what is happening in the island. They talk mostly about politics, but is fun and easy to understand. These girls also, are not afraid to speak their minds. Go listen, and also listen to there males counterparts, Puestos Pal Problema.

This was a long post, but these were all podcast I had to mention. Have you listen to any of these podcasts? Do you have a favorite I didn’t mention? I am always looking for something new to hear, so if you have any recommendation please let me know.

Never stop dreaming,


How to Make Waking Up Early Enjoyable (My Morning Routine)

Surprise! Todays post is in collaboration with my BFF María (and one of my Maids of Honor), that now has her own blog. Go check out Mi Arro’ con Pollo… Sin Huesos, to see what her morning routine consists off.

Let me start by saying that I do not consider myself a morning person, but I have really been enjoying taking time to have my morning routine, to do things I like and that make me feel good. One of my mantras is that life is meant to be enjoyed, and having this routine makes me enjoy my day I little bit more.

My goal each morning is to wake up at 4:25 am, some mornings are harder than others, and some I don’t get up, but when the alarm goes off I try to remind myself that I do this because I enjoy it and it will make me feel good. I like having this relaxing moment for myself.

The first thing I do is turn on the lights and splash water on my face. After I finish doing everything I have to do in bathroom I make my bed, because I love getting home to a made bed. And after that I am off to the kitchen.

I love feeding my daughters in the morning. They always have dry food and water during the day, but in the mornings I give them wet food, and those girls love it, specially Chanel, the cat. This is the moment of the day when I have their full attention and they give me lots of love, more than any other moment of the day.

Currently reading: Las mujeres inteligentes siempre consiguen lo que quieren

I proceed to drink a bottle of water, that I take out of the fridge before going to the bathroom, so that it isn’t to cold when I drink it, is important to hydrate the body after all those hours sleeping. And now is when the fun part begins. I take my comfy side of the couch and read for ten minutes. I like reading self help and development books in the morning. They motivate me and give an extra dose of energy for the day. After that comes my 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation. I call Sachi, the dog, because having her in my lap assures me I will have 10 minutes of silence and calm.

Mornings are my favorite time of the day to meditate, the temperature is nice, the street is quite and I am not fighting to not fall a sleep. The way I like to practice meditation is seating comfortably and concentrating in my breath, recognize the thoughts that come, letting them go and trying hard to no react to them (you can read how mindfulness has help me here). After this peaceful 10 minutes, I take a moment to practice gratefulness for all I have and for all that surrounds me, and that is like the cherry on top, it lifts my spirit and leaves me feeling extra good.

Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Energy Body Wash is new in my morning showers and I love it.

Then my mindfulness meditation continues in the shower. I try to be present and aware of everything that is happening and of my senses. Showers have always been relaxing to me, but practicing mindfulness has take them to another level, I wake up looking forward to this moment.  Morning showers make me feel fresh and ready to take on the day.

My favorite youtuber right now is Kalyn Nicholson 

After that I start getting ready and then comes another favorite moment. Makeup. Since I am addicted to watching youtube videos, but don’t have much time for it during the day, I do it while I am doing my makeup.  If I am not watching makeup tutorials, I will watch self development videos, my favorite topics are mindfulness, law of attraction, and any other topic that I think will help me grow and learn.

Loving this podcast, Un Aguacate a la Vez

The last part of my morning routine is in the car. I love hearing to audio books when I am in the car, but since last year I have been really into podcasts. I mostly hear self development podcasts or psychology related podcasts, and I have added them to my morning routine to start the work day extra motivated and with a bit more of knowledge.

During my morning routine I try hard to not go on social media. It’s me time and going on Facebook, Instagram or checking my email can wait.

I love having this morning routine and I recommend to everyone I can to do the same. Find out things that make you feel good, and incorporate them little by little to your mornings. Having a relaxing moment for your self helps you start the day right, with a good mindset, good intentions and with a strong spirit.  I think that is the best way to start the day, don’t you?

Do you have a morning routine? If so, what is your favorite part? If not, do you think you will be incorporating one to your mornings? I will love to know, so comment below.

Never stop dreaming,


Dreaming of Wedding: I asked and they said YES!

Welcome to the new post series, Dreaming of Wedding.  I am so excited with planning my wedding, I want to share all I can.

I mentioned in a past post (that you can read here) that I have two Maids of Honor. I gave Future Hubby the idea that since I have 2 best friends and he has 2 best friends, to not choose between them and choose them all as our Maids of Honor and Best Mans. And that’s our wedding party, we will not have bridesmaids, flower girl or anything else.

When we took this decision I decided I wanted to do something nice and fun to ask both my best friends to be my Maids of Honor, and this is what I came up with:

Chocolates for when the wedding planning process made them feel stressed.

They had to fill the blanks with names of the products. The message said: “We are nearly there. Please bare with me.”

A little note telling (not asking) them that they were my Maids of Honor.

They were surprised. It was fun and cute, and they said yes! I am a very happy Bride To Be!

If you want to do something like this for you Maid(s) of Honor or Bridesmaids, keep in mind that they may think that what you are about to tell them is that you are pregnant! Yes! That’s what happened to me! When I gave the box to Maria that is what she thought, but she didn’t tell me. Then when I gave Lourdes her box she thought the same! And she told me! The next day, still shocked, I told Maria what Lourdes had thought and she confessed that she had thought the same! I was shocked! Can you believe those girls?!

Drama aside, I am happy to have them by my side in the wedding planning process and during the big day. I love my girls!

How did you ask your bridal party to be part of the big day? Or, what ideas do you have for when the time comes? I will love to know, leave me a comment below.

Never stop dreaming,


My Current Favorites (April 2018)

Today I want to share with you my current favorites. This time I have a variety of things that I am loving, some of them that make life easier, some more enjoyable and others fun. It think you will be surprise.

The first thing I have to talk about are the Super Stay Matte Ink Liquid Lipsticks. Not having to reapply my lipstick during the day is amazing. I normally apply my lipstick by 7:00 am, just before starting work, and the days I have classes I am usually taking my makeup off very late at night, and on most days me lipstick stills looks good, not perfect, but good. This are the only ones I have been wearing on those long days, so that I can go about my day without having to think about lipstick. Believe when I say that it’s been hard trying not to buy every single shade, but this grown woman has another responsibilities (you can read about that here), so I am trying me best.

I have been using MAC Cosmetics Prep + Prime Fix+ to set my makeup for quite some time now, but recently I have changed the way I used it and my makeup as been looking and feeling so much better. Now instead of using it as a setting spray I have been using it as a primer. After I apply my serums and moisturizers I spray it on my face and when my face dries I then apply my makeup.  It helps keep my face hydrated, with a glow, but not oily or extremely shiny. Even on days I am not wearing makeup I use it, it has become part of my skincare routine.

If you have read my blog before, you know I am all about body products, especially body wash with delicious scents. I am bit weird and I like having one to use on the mornings, other at nights, and I have another I use when I take a shower at a different time of the day and when I scrub, since right now they are the same scent. But my favorite off all is the one I use at night. This Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Body Wash in the scent Comfort is so good. I am convinced that it helps me relax after a long day before going to bed. I have been incorporating mindfulness into my shower routine, and being present and aware of the sent, the bubbles it forms (I use a loofah with it) and the warm water, it has made taking a shower at night an amazing experience, something to look forward to every day. And then applying the body butter is just like the cherry on top.

My other favorite goes in hand with the last one. Another good smelling product, but this time for my apartment. Since the day I started moving to my apartment I put a Bath and Body Works Wallflower Plug in my bedroom with the scent Watermelon Lemonade and that is the officially scent of my place. Since then I bought another one, this time for the kitchen, and the lady who helped that day definitely knew how to sell me the Wallflowers Duo Plug, and I have no regrets. I have changed the scent of my room to the Comfort scent and my favorites for the kitchen are Watermelon Lemonade and Black Cheery Merlot (Future Hubby’s favorite scent). When I get home the first thing I do is inhale deeply to savor my good smelling home.

This product I think it may come as a surprise. Yes, one of current favorites is a Prep Solutions by Progressive Microwave Rice Cooker. Oh, how I love this thing! I have been telling everyone I can that they need one ASAP. I enjoy cooking, but I do not enjoy doing the dishes, and I usually wouldn’t make rice just so that I didn’t’ have to wash the pot after ir, plus I am going to be real, I still haven’t mastered the art of rice making (that’s Future Hubby’s thing, he knows how to make it, I do the pasta and other things). But with this my days of not cooking rice (at least white plain rice) are over. It’s so easy to use, the rice tastes good, and the best part, it’s easy to clean. I am serious, you need this in your life.

Another favorite is Harry Potter. Yes, I am still obsessed with it (you can read more about here). I don’t know what it is, but I love Harry Potter. One of my gifts from Future Hubby this past Christmas was the complete Harry Potter series. Since I am always reading books, and most of the time not finishing them, I did not wanted to start the series yet, because I felt that I had no time, but it was there tempting me every time I looked at my bookshelf, and finally I caved in. I am just finishing the first book, but if I was obsessed with the movies, I am going crazy with the book. To summarize it, more details, more to the story, more obsessed, end of story. Reading Harry Potter has me day dreaming about going back to Universal Studios in Orlando.

So, that’s it. I will love to know your current favorites, and also if you have suggestions of things I should try, please let me know in the comments section below.

Never Stop Dreaming,


Bride to Be Weekend Out

At the begging of the month I went with Future Hubby and one of my Maids of Honor (yes, one, because I have two, more on that later on the blog), to the Caribbean Bridal Expo at the Pedro Rosello Convention Center. We had so much fun and to give you a short summary, I want everything.

It was a weekend event. On Saturday we arrived before the doors were open and we did the registration process. There they gave me a bracelet that was my admission to the event, that said “Bride to be”, I was so excited!

We saw a lot of things, wedding invitations, decor, flowers, music, a lot of coordinators and photographers, and other cool stuff.  We were inspired and took notes on great ideas from there, and saw some things that we hadn’t thought about and now they are at the top of the list of things we want for the big day.

On Sunday, we got there later on the day and the plan was to identify the suppliers we really liked and to ask (again) for information. We (I) wanted to have them separated from all the ones we saw the day before, because we had a lot, and when I say a lot I mean a lot, of business cards and brochures, and anyone who knows me well knows I don’t have the greatest memory. That Saturday night, when we got home, I couldn’t remember which ones I liked the most, so on Sunday we went there on a mission.

We had so much fun, we even said that next year, even if we have everything, we are going to the event anyway (when I say we I think it was just my BFF and me, not sure Future Hubby participated on that conversation, but I am sure he will be there too).

I have been following Facebook pages of the different suppliers I liked, sending messages and emails requesting information and asking for prices, it’s time to get serious and be on wedding planning mode.

Can’t wait to keep sharing this wonderful adventure.

Never stop dreaming,
